Greetings to the life-builders of East Zorra!
I worked for a cement contractor erecting poured house foundations one summer. It was hot, hard, physical work! I learned a little bit about building! One home was on bog, so we laid its footing over 20’ deep so that we had the right compaction to build on!
As we build our lives, everyone puts their hope and trust in something–and what we put our hope and trust in becomes our foundation for life. Some people build their lives on the foundation of money, believing that if they have more money, life will be better and more secure. Some people build their lives on possessions, trusting that more stuff means more happiness. Lots of people build their lives on popularity, thinking that if they can get more friends, they will never be on their own and life will be great.
These are just a few examples. The truth is, you can build your life on any number of things: fame, grades, sex, athletics, music, drugs, alcohol, beauty, video games, shopping, texting and…well, you get the picture.
Not all of these things I have listed are bad–but every one of them is temporary. When the storms of life come (and they will come), those things…well, they can all go away.
So I have to ask: what are you building your life on?
We are called to build our lives on the rock–and that rock is Jesus. Sometimes we think life will be perfect when we are following Christ, but make no mistake: storms will still come while following Jesus! In John 16:33 (NLT), Jesus told His disciples, “Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.
East Zorra, keep building on the Rock!
Pastor Lloyd