Friday June 24, 2022
Resources to help us to stay Rooted in Christ and Growing together in Faith
Saturday June 25th EZ Family Night 6:30 p.m. at church
We plan to spend time in worship, followed by road hockey, a campfire and s’mores, and other sports in the Green Space. Bring your sticks! We can’t wait to see you!
Saturday June 25th 7 p.m. MYF meet at Hannah and Dylan’s (697080 17 Line, Tavistock) for a school’s out get together. We’ll have games, campfire, and snacks. Hope to see you there!
Sunday June 26, 2022 Worship Gathering 10 AM
Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving for Jean McDonald’s Parish Nurse ministry
We are grateful for your financial giving to the ongoing work and ministry of the church. This week our offering focus is “Relief/Mennonite Central Committee”.
Phil and Shirley Ruby will be hosting Coffee Time this Sunday. We would ask that everyone provide their own coffee mug to help simplify the preparation and clean up time. We will also provide paper cups for those who forget their mugs or come as guests on a Sunday morning.
To help express our thanks and appreciation for Jean and her ministry we are planning to serve cupcakes with our coffee. We hope you can join us!
We can continue to have Coffee Time when we have the volunteers we need. We are still in need of more volunteers. Please contact Lisa if you would be willing to volunteer to be a coffee host.
**As we gather for worship and other congregational activities, please note that masks are no longer required, including during congregational singing, however, we remain mask-friendly – if you and your family want to wear a mask, you should feel comfortable to do so. For your convenience we will continue to make hand sanitizer and masks available at the 2 main entrances to our building.
**Also note that during road construction on the Perth-Oxford Road, between the 15th Line and Punkeydoodles Corners, additional time will be required to get to our building. Please take care as you travel!
We invite your prayers for Lloyd and Margaret this coming week as Lloyd spends a week at Chelsey Lake serving as Camp Pastor.
East Zorra is hosting the first summer combined service with Cassel and Tavistock Mennonite Churches. We welcome them to join us in-person or over Zoom.
Please note that next week’s letter will arrive on Thursday June 30th.
EZMC Announcements
Please have all items for next week’s letter to the church office by 9 a.m on Thursday June 30th. The EZMC Weekly Letter will arrive later that morning. Thanks so much.
JCET would like to thank everyone for their generous donations towards MCC hygiene kits. The children collected a total of $548.85!!! They were able to put together 90 hygiene kits!!!
Looking for help! Saturday, July 9th in the morning:
Mike & Brandy Williamson are working at renovating their new house in Woodstock.
Our job would be to remove the linoleum and drywall in the basement rec room.
This would be a great opportunity to spend some time getting to know our new pastor!
Please contact Marv Yantzi
We will be printing an updated EZMC Church Family Photo and Address Directory in September 2022.
- If you moved or have a new phone number since the printing of the Church Directory Update Page in January 2022 and have not given your updated information to the church office, please do so. If you were not in the last directory but would like to be included, please contact the church office.
- We would love to see updated photos! Please send to Lisa, preferably in digital form (jpeg) by email at If you have a photo you would like her to scan, make arrangements to drop off and she will return to you. These photos can be casual. If you are submitting a photo please remember that professional photos are subject to copyright so permission would be needed from the photographer to include.
- Please note that we encourage every person or family unit to submit a photo. A picture in a directory helps so much, and is so welcoming! As Mike, Brandy, Petra and Rebekah join us in August and get know us, an updated photo directory with pictures of everyone will be a wonderful gift. Thank you so much for your willingness to submit a photo! It is very much appreciated!
- Deadline to submit is September 9, 2022.
As Phase 2 of the Greenspace begins, projects will be dependent on donations. Accompanied by a note, designated for the Green Space, donations can be given by cash or cheque in the church offering, or mailed, dropped off, as well as e-transferred to church treasurer Dawn Zehr.
Should donations exceed Green Space expenses, the extra will be used for other church projects. Thank you, GS committee
A Reminder to Volunteers – If you volunteered with Sunday School or are planning to help with VBS this summer our Safe Church Policy requires that we have a signed Volunteer Commitment Form once every program year. If you have not completed one for the Sept 2021 to Aug 2022 time period, you will either find one that was emailed to you or a paper copy in your church mailbox. Please return to the office as soon as you can. If you do not have a Vulnerable Sector Check on file you will receive a packet of information for that process. Thanks so much.
Student Aid Applications:
Students, are you considering a Christian school for your education for the next school year? (e.g. Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, Canadian Mennonite University, Conrad Grebel University College, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary). East Zorra is committed to supporting individuals who consider Christian nurture and leadership development to be part of their education. Student aid applications are due June 30 for the 2022/2023 school year (Sept 2022 – Aug 2023). If you are interested in applying or would like to know more, please contact Tracey Kropf at
Jerusalem Marketplace VBS
Thank you to everyone that came out to help at our “Work Bee” on Wednesday!! Many hands made the work light and we were able to get through a lot of prep work!
Parents of VBS kids – you should have received an email with a registration form. If you haven’t, don’t hesitate to contact us. Please complete these at your earliest convenience. According to our pre-registration numbers we are FULL! For families that have told us they were “maybes” please let us know your decision sooner rather than later, because we are starting a wait list. Thank you!
Prayer Support
We invite you to stand with us in praying for our week of VBS, our children and volunteers. Covering this week in prayer is one of the most important tasks we can do; we know that prayer holds so much power.
Please pray for the following, and anything else that Holy Spirit presses on your heart:
– That we would be drawn closer to God’s heart, and understand His deep and sacrificial love for us
– That the Lord would stir, in each of our hearts, the joy that comes from walking with Jesus each and every day.
– That the curriculum, conversations and activities would be in line with God’s Will
– For safety
– For good weather so we can continue with our outdoor set up and events
“Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer”
Matthew 21: 21-22
Please let us know by calling or emailing us, if you feel called to intercede for VBS in this way. We would love to share with all those involved in VBS, the network of support that is covering this week in prayer.
Ashley and Naomi
The Decorating Committee needs your help gathering supplies for VBS! If you have wicker baskets, pottery/urns, woven mats, old bed sheets in stripes or bright solid colours, wood crates, silk decorative trees or blankets that you would be willing to share for the week please contact Marianne Witzel , Judy Mogk or Kristi Marriott to arrange dropping these off at the church and to check what items are still needed. Please label your items so they can be returned after VBS. Thank you in advance!
The 2022 Camp Subsidy Form is now available and you can complete and return to Dawn Zehr either by email ( or mail (657173 15th line, R.R.#1 Tavistock, ON N0B 2R0). Please note that this year no funds will be sent until camps can confirm their programming depending on Covid-19 restrictions in place. Forms are available by contacting Lisa Suderman either by email at Paper copies can be mailed to you if needed. If you have any questions please contact one of the Christian Education Lay Ministers – Bethany Kropf or Jared Yantzi.
Beyond Our Church Community
The Amish Bicentennial 1822-2022
Join us as we REMEMBER and THANK GOD for the coming of our Amish Mennonite ancestors to Canada. There will be Heritage bus tours, Acapella Hymn Sings (one of which will take place at East Zorra Mennonite on Sun Sept 25), The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada (Speaker, Rebecca Seiling will present the “Landed Buggy” at Steinmann Mennonite), Indigenous Awareness Workshop (at Crow Shield Lodge), and the Thanksgiving Worship Service (Sun Oct 2 at Steinmann Mennonite Church). Some of these events require registration in advance. Please see the insert attached to Fri June 10th’s email for dates and more information. This insert is the first of five which will share some stories of the settlement as a way of learning and remembering.
Mennonite Central Committee needs Emergency supplies – Ukraine has a massive need and we need your help filling containers with emergency supplies. We need relief kit and hygiene kit supplies, especially soap. A full list of items can be viewed at Bring your donations to your nearest MCC office or thrift shop or donate financially and we will use our purchasing power to buy supplies. Donate at, by cheque to 203-50 Kent Ave, Kitchener, N2G 3R1 (note emergency supplies on the memo line) or call 519-745-8458.
The 17th world assembly of Mennonite World Conference will be held in Indonesia July 5-10. Since covid restrictions limit personal attendance, there is an online option (see Further, “global watch parties” of the assembly’s plenary worship services are scheduled for:
Tuesday July 5 – 7 pm at First Mennonite Church, 880 King St E, Kitchener
Wed through Fri – 3 pm & 7:00pm, First Mennonite Church, Kitchener
Saturday July 9 – 7 pm, First Mennonite Church, Kitchener
Sunday July 10 – 7 pm, Meheret Evangelical Church, 46 Krug St., Kitchener
Come and enjoy local intercultural gatherings while connecting with the global community of Anabaptist related churches. Bring your own water bottle. Masks may be requested. Offerings will be held for the ministry of Mennonite World Conference.
Scholarships for post-secondary education
At this time of year, many are thinking of applying for post-secondary and then subsequently, how that will get paid. Tavistock Assistance Program and Raymer Financial offer scholarships to hard-working and deserving students. The application process is quick and easy. The applicants are considered and offers are made expeditiously. We would love to see our young people bettering themselves through further education. For further information and an application form check out:
Rockway Mennonite Collegiate invites applicants for the position of Director of Finance & Human Resources which is a Senior Administrative position starting in August/September 2022. Resumes and cover letters will be accepted until June 30, 2022. Visit for the full posting.