East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 66 Sunday September 10, 2023 No. 37
Welcome Back Sunday
The Parables of Jesus: The Sower
Prelude: Bethany Zehr Accompanist: Bethany Zehr
Worship Leader: Jared Yantzi Song Leader: Connie Yantzi
Greeter: Jan Ropp Offering: Student Aid
Audio/Visual: Drystan Bender/Larry Kropf Message: Pastor Ray
Coffeetime: Gwen & Dan Matthews
Call to Worship and Opening prayer
Songs of Gathering & Praise
VT #11 – The Mountain of God
VT #435 – Blessed Assurance
Offering: Student Aid
Time with the Children
Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:1-23
Message Pastor Ray
Song of Response: VT #156 – There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Prayer of the Church Pastor Mike
Sending Song: VT #777 – Seeds
11 a.m. Attention Parents: During Coffeetime please take advantage of the opportunity to fill out registration/waiver form for your children in the basement. Our Safe Church Policy requires that parents complete a separate form for each child involved in Sunday School, Junior Youth, and MYF who are under the age of 18.
Attention Volunteers: All adults wishing to volunteer with children, youth, and vulnerable persons must have a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) on file in the church office as well as a completed Volunteer Commitment Form (VCF) for the current program year. Please contact Lisa in the church office to find out if your VSC is still current at office@ezmennonite.ca or for more information on how to get this process started. The VSC will need to in place before you volunteer. The VCF forms are available this morning during coffeetime.
This Coming Week
Tuesday September 12th
8:30 a.m. Gift Discernment Meeting
6:30 p.m. A/V Committee Meeting
Wednesday September 13th
6:30 p.m. E Z Play Group Setup
7 p.m. Church Ministry Council Meeting
Thursday September 14th
9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
Next Sunday – September 17, 2023
The Parables of Jesus: The Hidden Kingdom
Prelude: Chantelle McNeish Accompanist: Chantelle McNeish
Worship Leader: Bevin Witmer Song Leader: Myron Ruby
Greeters: Ashley & Jon Witzel Offering: Leadership
Audio/Visual: Todd Bender/Brian Wagler Message: Pastor Mike
Coffeetime: Kristen & Daryl Cressman
11 a.m. Junior Sunday School will meet in the green space for games and devotion.
Adult Sunday school classes will begin in the basement.
Noon – Junior Sunday School Volunteer meeting and MYF Sponsors Meet with Mike
EZMC Announcements
This morning you will find the September calendar in your church mailbox. Items for the October 2023 calendar are due to the church office by Friday September 22nd.
August 2023 Donations Received Summary
Offering Schedule Designations – $29,799
Reminder of available donation methods:
– cash or cheque in offering collection each Sunday (blank envelopes available from ushers)
– e-transfer to treasurer@ezmennonite.ca
– monthly PAD (request for info or to change donation amount to treasurer@ezmennonite.ca)
– weekly automatic transfer from a Kindred account (request for info to treasurer@ezmennonite.ca; contact Kindred to change amount)
– cheques dropped off/mailed to Dawn or to church
Saturday September 16, 2023 EZ Health Ministry team hosts
Free Community Breakfast Workshop at Quehl’s Banquet Hall, 8:30 a.m. Presentation by Cathi Watson Interfaith Counsellor begins at 9:00 with a Focus on Better Understanding Mental Health issues impacting Children, Young adults, and families.
Registration required by Tuesday September 12 email Heidi at heidi@ezmennonite.ca
At risk of cancelling if not enough participants.
We will be printing an updated EZMC Church Family Photo and Address Directory in October 2023. If you moved or have a new phone number since the printing of the Church Directory in October 2022 and have not given your updated information to the church office, please do so. If you were not in the last directory but would like to be included, please contact the church office. Please send your photos to Lisa, preferably in digital form (jpeg) by email at office@ezmennonite.ca.
Deadline to submit is September 22, 2023.
Tuesday, Sept 19, 1:30 – 3:30 should be prayer shawl knitting. I will be away but would love if you met at church to knit. In October, the date will be Oct 17 and we will again meet at my home. New knitters always welcome. Jean
A few Opportunities to Serve!
Christian Education Programs Beginning Soon!
It’s that wonderful time of year when our Christian Education Programs will soon begin! Junior Christian Education Team JCET is very excited about our new curriculum (https://thinkorange.com/252-kids-ministry-curriculum/) that will help us teach children about Loving God, Loving Life and Loving Others based on Matthew 22:37-39!
If you are interested in being involved in the Junior Christian Education ministry by teaching or assisting in a class, or if you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Jess Yantzi, Holly Barron, Erin Yantzi, or Sue Martin (phone numbers are in the directory).
Volunteers Needed for the Nursery
We are exploring the possibility of returning the Nursery during worship time this Fall. For that to happen we need two volunteers each Sunday. If you are willing to help with this important ministry but have not completed your Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) we can provide the information you need to complete that. Your help and support for this ministry is very much appreciated. Please contact Lisa Suderman, our Office Administrator, if you are willing to help or if you have further questions.
Sunday Afternoon Services at The Maples and peopleCare
The ministerial is planning to offer bi-weekly Sunday afternoon services, at our 2 long term care homes in Tavistock, this Fall. The services (2:30 at peopleCare and 3:15 at The Maples) are 30 minutes services of readings and singing. We need your gifts and help to allow this to happen. Please reach out to Pastor Ray if you would be willing to help with a service or help to co-ordinate a service. Sharing your gifts in this way would be very much appreciated.
Greeters – More volunteers are welcome. As a greeter (individual, couple, or family) you would stand at the top of the stairs outside the parent’s room and greet people as they arrive Sunday morning. We would encourage you to be here by 9:30 or shortly after when you serve in this role. Would you or your family be willing to serve as a greeter and be scheduled in for a few Sunday mornings through the year? Contact Lisa Suderman, our office administrator, if you are willing to help with this ministry.
Beyond Our Church Community
New Hamburg Thrift Centre is in desperate need of volunteers in different areas. There is concern that going into the fall there simply won’t be enough help to sort the volume of wonderful donations. Please see the poster on the bulletin board for more information on how to become a volunteer.
Saturday, September 16th Shalom Counselling Service’s 10,000 Steps for Mental Health will begin at Shalom Counselling Services (9 Avondale Ave. S., Waterloo). Registration begins at 9 am with an official send off at 9:30 am. Participants will travel a route to the Iron Horse Trail, along the trail, and back to Shalom. Join us and start setting your goals. It could be taking 10,000 steps or 1,000 steps, fundraising $10,000 or $100. Set a goal that is right for you and help provide more affordable, accessible counselling services in Waterloo Region. Sign up on our website at: https://shalomcounselling.org/steps
After the walk their will be a community block party celebrating Shalom Counselling Services 40th Anniversary. Please come out and support local mental health resources.
With the support of Menno Singers family of choirs, it is our pleasure to introduce the Menno Youth Ensemble to Kitchener-Waterloo and surrounding areas! Under the direction of Mykayla Turner and Joel Woods, this ensemble welcomes musicians between the ages of 14 and 24 to expand their musical and collaborative imaginations. Weekly rehearsals will culminate with regular performing opportunities and one major performance event per semester. The Menno Youth Ensemble is open to all voice-types and instruments, and all participants should be willing to sing. For more information or to register for the Menno Youth Ensemble, please contact one of the co-directors: Mykayla Turnermykaylat@smu.edu, Joel Woods. joel.woods@uwaterloo.ca
The Wednesday September 20th 9 am – 4 pm. “Up the Nith” heritage bus tour led by Fred Lichti is now full. There are still seats available on a second tour, Saturday October 14, 2023. (the seats are filling fast)
Through stories and stops along the way, learn about the oldest Amish Mennonite settlement in Canada and today’s diversity of congregations–from the “tradition minded” Old Order Amish to the “change minded” Mennonite groups of Amish heritage. Cost-$85 per person includes lunch at Schmidtsville Restaurant. Pre-payment required. The tour starts and ends at Crosshill Mennonite Church. To register contact Rosie Lichti Phone: 519-669-4689 or Text: 519-575-3517 or E-mail: frlichti@bell.net
Offices and Thrift Shops closed on Monday September 25th
All MCC Ontario office and thrift shops will be closed on Monday, Sept. 25 to recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Learning resources are available on our website.
Monday September 25th 7 – 8:30 p.m., Online MCC Ontario Annual General Meeting. We deeply appreciate your support, and how you are impacting so many lives in Ontario and around the world. Join us on September 25 for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) as we share MCC Ontario’s financial outcomes and a snapshot of our strategic plan progress. Official Congregational Representatives and Delegates who register as such are entitled to vote. Visit mcco.ca/AGM for details.
Monday October 2nd Hidden Acres Seniors Fall Retreat
The theme is Songs that Shape and Reshape Us. Our resource person is Ingrid Loepp Thiessen. Doug Cressman will accompany the singing.
Cost is $50 per person, registration is limited. Please find a copy of the brochure attached to this email.