“And he said to them, ‘What is this conversation that you are holding with each other as you walk?’ And they stood still, looking sad.” (Luke 24:17)
Sometimes it’s hard to say goodbye, and farewells are not always happy occasions. They make us sad as things are never the same again, but with endings come new beginnings. This short devotional offers hope when you face the finality of separation or lost opportunity.
What We Don’t Like About Endings
Nostalgia and bitter-sweetness are normal emotions associated with endings. You feel a sense of regret for what you’ve lost even if the conclusion is a happy one. It can be heartbreaking when someone leaves, or a door closes.
The above Scripture passage is an example of the ending two of Jesus’ disciples experienced immediately after His death. The finality of it all was so acute that they looked sad as they walked and talked on the road to Emmaus. Something had ended. A treasured relationship was over. They did not understand until later that with endings come new beginnings.
What We Like About New Beginnings
Everyone loves to start over and refresh. Each day welcomes a host of blessings and new beginnings at work, home or play. The two men on the road to Emmaus received a fresh start when they finally recognized the Risen Christ! Their grief immediately turned into gladness. The relationship had not ended but was now on a new level! (Luke 24:31-32)
With Endings Come New Beginnings
Stop looking at your endings as all bad. Instead see them as crosswalks to new prospects full of blessing, possibilities, and fruitfulness. Remember, beginnings are great “Do-Overs” that give you a chance to wipe-the-slate-clean and start anew.
How can God help you move through the endings you are facing to the new beginnings He has planned for you?
Pastor Lloyd

Farewell Lloyd and Margaret.
We have been blessed by our time together.
This photo was taken at the Farewell Service for Lloyd & Margaret on Sunday July 24th.
Photo credit to Katelyn Wagler