Greetings to the disciples of East Zorra who say to Jesus, ‘teach us to pray’ – Luke 11:1
Real prayer is not a normal part of life for most people. When a person is ‘born from above’, he can either nourish or starve the life of Christ that is within. Prayer is the way that the life of God in us is nourished. People tend to think that the purpose of prayer is to get things that we want from someone like Santa Claus anytime of the year. The biblical purpose of prayer is that we get to know God Himself.
A child can show a magnificent boldness to ask. The Bible seems to suggest: ‘Ask and He will do’. There is a pervasive encouragement to give Jesus the opportunity, and the room, to work in us and through us. The problem is, we tend not to ask until we have exhausted all other resources and are at our wits end. When we feel self-sufficient, we do not need to ask God for anything. Are our plans and dreams for our lives bigger than what we can do ourselves? That’s when we need our Father most.
How is the life of Christ in you? Is He rather wane, due to lack of loving attention? This Thursday, Jan 20, is a great time to join with the body of Christ here at East Zorra, for a Day of Prayer to nourish His life in You, to ask for boldness in asking, and to ask!
I encourage each disciple in East Zorra to join us in the Day of Prayer.
There are resources provided that may help you to pray, but the big idea is to SPEND TIME WITH GOD!
I, for one, really do want to make Jan 20, a DAY of prayer. I hope you are with me.
Pastor Lloyd