Greeting to those anticipating a great new year, 2022!
A certain satisfaction exists in closing the chapter on one year and turning a page to the new. Our ever-creating God has extraordinary plans for each of us in the coming 365 days!
Psalm 90 is a prayer of Moses fitting for the changing years. In Psalm 90, Moses talks of God’s faithfulness through generations, His unfailing love and offers a prayer for our efforts to be successful.
‘But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.’ Is a parable Jesus once shared. He pointed out that no one pours new wine into old wineskins; the wine would spill out, and the wineskins would be ruined.
Wineskins were goatskins sewn around the edges to create a watertight vessel. As new wine ferments, it emits gasses that cause the wineskin to expand. An old, rigid wineskin cannot withstand this process and will burst. The new wine of the Holy Spirit could not be contained in their archaic system of laws.
As you anticipate what God has for you in 2022, prepare your heart: Is there anything rigid in me that would prevent the work God wants to do? Where am I resistant to His leading? Am I pliable to His direction?
A currently popular, trendy thing to do these days is to prayerfully ask God to give you one word over the next few days. This word is to be your theme word for the year. You could make a poster and put it on your fridge. If it is a word from the Spirit of God, it may be a theme which will keep you encouraged and motivated throughout 2022. If you wish to share this word, I would be delighted to confidentially hear it.
It was William Carey, the father of modern missions who said: “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.”

Open yourself to His possibilities in 2022! Listen for the fresh truths He will whisper. Expand your boundaries for the opportunities He will bring. Get ready! God has great aspirations for you, and East Zorra, in the coming year. It starts with prayer! In addition, Ray and I are discerning a congregational “invitation to prayer” during January. Details are pending!
In 2022, expect great things from God, attempt great things for God! Exciting!
Pastor Lloyd
Happy 2022!