East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 66 Sunday October 15, 2023 No. 42
Sunday October 15, 2023
The Parables of Jesus: The Rich Man & Lazarus
Communion Sunday & Bible Presentation Day (for Grades 1 & 9)
Prelude: Glorify Accompanist: Glorify
Worship Leader: Jared Yantzi Song Leader: Glorify
Greeters: Janice & Marlow Gingerich Offering: Leadership
Audio/Visual: Greg Pye/Brian Wagler Message: Pastor Mike
Coffeetime: Janet & Marv Yantzi
“Battle Belongs”
“Our God”
“Not be Shaken”
Welcome and Announcements
Praise Songs
“Yes and Amen”
“Graves into Gardens”
Call to worship and prayer
Offering – Leadership
“Here’s my Heart”
Sharing and Prayer – Pastor Ray
Time with the Children and Bible Presentations
Grade One children receiving bibles are:
Sawyer Bowman, Carson Croft, Colton Gerber, Lauralye Klein, Evelyn Klein,
Vincent Mogk, and Jack Witzel
Grade Nine youth receiving bibles are:
Violet Bender, Katelynn Cressman, Benjamin Lichti, Logan Rempel, Leah Ruby, Eric Salese, Kaelynn Schlegel, Troy Wagler, and Liam Wake
Scripture reading – Luke 16:19-31
Message – Pastor Mike
Song of Response
“The Table”
Sending Song
VT #160 “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”
This Coming Week
Tuesday October 17th
1:30 – 3:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry at Jean MacDonald’s.
New knitters always welcome
Wednesday October 18th
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Bible Study
7 p.m. Play Group setup
Thursday October 19th
9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
Friday October 20th
6:30 p.m. MYF – Progressive Supper
Please consider if you’d be willing to host us for either: appetizer, 1/2 a main
meal, or dessert. We will get to the first house for 6:30. Sign up sheet is posted
on the bulletin board.
If you have any questions please talk to Caleb, Kris, or Krista.
Saturday October 21st
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. The Great East Zorra Men’s Turkey Gathering at Trevor
Kropf’s. Suggested Donation $10.00. The leaves are turning, the air is cooler,
Fall is finally here and with it is a time for guys of all ages to gather once again
at Trevor Kropf’s for an afternoon of feasting, fellowship and fun. All you need
to bring is a lawn chair, utensils, a beverage, and an appetite.
Please sign-up in the lobby or email Pastor Mike at mike@ezmennonite.ca if you plan to attend. Hope to see you there!
Next Sunday – October 22, 2023
A Future of Peace in Mindanao
Future of Ministry in Philippines: Malipayon Peace Hub
We will welcome our guests Tala Batista and Ka Boyet Ongkiko from the Philippines to our Worship Service and Sunday School Hour.
Prelude: Bethany Zehr Accompanist: Bethany Zehr
Worship Leader: Pastor Ray Song Leader: Lindsay Zehr
Greeters: Bethany & Trevor Kropf Offering: Maintenance
Audio/Visual: Dathan Bender/Larry Kropf Message: Tala Bautista
Please note that we are not have Coffeetime as it will be served during potluck lunch instead.
12 Noon – Potluck Lunch to host our guests and share in conversation with them and each other. Please remember to bring your own dishes. I hope you can join us!
2:30 – 4:30 PM
East Zorra Mennonite Church invites you to an information and fundraising event for all our area MCEC churches.
Come to discover and be a part of the exciting final stages of a transition plan from MC Canada Witness to Tala and Boyet’s capable leadership. The Malipayon Peace Hub will provide a sustainable pathway for PeaceBuilders Community Inc. (PBCI) and Coffee for Peace (CFP) to serve their communities into the future.
See the poster attached to our weekly email and posted on the bulletin board for further information about Tala, Ka Boyet and Joji. Joji will be joining this afternoon meeting.
Extending God’s Love
We extend God’s love as we share with each other both our joys and our struggles.
Dear Lord, at our feet lie your dead children, dead Ukrainians, dead Russians, dead Palestinians, dead Israelis, dead neighbours, dead mothers and fathers, sons and daughters…
We ask your mercy on these sisters and brothers where there is so much hurt and suffering.
We ask for the same mercy for ourselves, for our failure to be your peace, to be the end of war. Save us from the powers that capture our imagination and make us choose sides thinking our only alternative is more conflict.
We confess that we cannot will our way to peace, for when we try we end up fighting wars for peace.
We confess to you the God who forgives that we often do not want our enemies forgiven.
We confess that sometimes our hates are more precious to us than our loves.
Yet you have bent us toward reconciliation. It is a terrible and difficult thing to ask of us.
We alone cannot do it. But you are a God able to accomplish miracles.
May we be struck alive with the miracle of your grace and by the power of your spirit compel us with your love that we might be your peace, thus bringing life to this deadly world. Amen.
But I say to you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven, for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. Matthew 5:44-45
-Adapted from Prayers Plainly Spoken by S. Hauerwas
Prayer Request for Gathering of Survivors of Mennonite-Run Residential Schools
MCC Canada and MCC Ontario invite your prayers for an upcoming gathering of historic proportions. Forty Survivors of Mennonite-run residential schools in Northern Ontario will gather from October 20-22 in Thunder Bay to share stories and pursue the ongoing work of healing. This is the first gathering of its kind organized by former students of the Mennonite-run schools. This will be a time of powerful and mixed emotions – and the Survivors have asked MCC to call for prayer in our faith communities.
MCC honours the strength of Survivors as we continue the unsettling work of knowing and owning the history of Mennonites on this land. We acknowledge that this painful history is part of the life story of many Mennonites. We offer our support to all as we humbly walk forward together in pursuit of healing. MCC will contribute funding and attend the gathering at the invitation of the organizing committee. Contact Scott Morton Ninomiya at scottmortonninomiya@mcco.ca or 519-745-8458 ext 292 for dialogue or support.
EZMC Announcements
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. SCRC invites you to express your personal gratitude to Ray and Mike in some way during the month.
Thanks Giving Offering/Drive – As an expression of thankfulness, Missions invites you to support TAP and Wilmot Family Resource Centre. Your gifts of offering, paper products or food items between October 1 – 15 would be gratefully received
- Gifts of offering should be designated as “Thanks Giving Offering” on the offertory envelope. he offering collected will be split between TAP and WFRC.
- Paper products such as toilet paper, paper towels, size 4 and 5 diapers, GoodniteT diapers for smaller adults, Boost, Ensure, coffee and tea would be welcome donations by TAP.
- Any food items that have not expired would be welcome donations by WFRC.
- Items may be placed in the lower foyer beside the mailboxes.
Saturday October 28th 2 – 4 p.m. Church Kannscht Du Deitsch Schwetze?
Do you speak Pennsylvania Dutch/German or understand it? Would you like to hear Deitsch spoken and sing some Deitsch songs? Come to the SCHWETZFESCHT – a festival of speaking and hearing Deitsch at East Zorra Mennonite Church. Guest speaker is Mark Louden, Professor of Germanic Linguistics at the University of Wisconsin.
East Zorra is scheduled to provide the Sunday Afternoon Services at The Maples and peopleCare on Sunday October 29. The services (2:15 at peopleCare and 3:15 at The Maples) are 30 minutes services of readings and singing followed by some interaction with the residents. If you would be available to help with the services that day please reach out to Pastor Ray. Your help is appreciated.
Tuesday October 31st 6 p.m. CREATION CELEBRATION. Come join the fun! The Volunteer sign-up sheet is ready. Donations of cash and candy will be happily accepted. As allergies are an on-going concern, we are asking for NUT FREE treats only – please carefully check the package ingredient list (contains or may contain peanuts or tree nuts – we are unable to put these treats into the bags). Candy can be placed in the bin under the mailboxes, cash can be given to Joe Wagler or both can be dropped off at Creation Celebration.
Mailbox Shuffle – In the next couple of weeks you may notice that your church mailbox is in a slightly different place. If you have a family member or friend that has been unable to attend and you would like to deliver their mail to them, please go ahead.
Church Directory – The printing of the Fall 2023 EZMC Church Directory will happen in early November. If you would still like to submit a photo please send to Lisa at office@ezmennonite.ca, preferably in jpeg format. A draft of the directory will be available for edits in the coming weeks. Please check your household listing and make any changes that are needed.
Agape Fellowship Invitation: As Agape Fellowship continues to be without a pastor, there is a need for speakers at their church this fall. We would like to support them on one of their November dates (November 12, 19 or 26) with some sharing and music. If you are interested in speaking and/or singing, please contact Pastor Ray or Susan Schmitz in the next few weeks. Thank you so much.
That fall feeling is settling in on the Green Space.
It has been a hub of activities hosting – Tuesday team meetings, Junior S S. year end parties, funeral lunches, overflow parking (funerals), EZ young family events, a wedding, VBS, Ice Skating, a winter Nativity walk through, campfires, worship service, baptism, anniversary celebrations, potlucks and more – all since its beginning in 2021.
Thank You to everyone who has contributed to this project to date. There is a shortfall of 2117.42 needed to meet the projected budget of 3,672.42 for 2023 and the completion of G.S. projects.
As we thank God for such a wonderful space – your ongoing contributions are very appreciated.
JCET is still in need of volunteers for the month of November and a couple in December. Please check the sign up sheet across on the bulletin board by the back stairwells Thank you to everyone who has signed up!
Beyond Our Church Community
We Own this Now
Sunday October 15, 2023 at 7:00 pm, Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, 110 Doon Rd, Kitchener. Starring Ted Swartz and Michelle Milne, We Own This Now is a play that looks at love of land, loss of land and what it means to “own” something. We Own This Now examines how the Doctrine of Discovery is still being used and causing harm today. Presented by Ted & Company TheatreWorks. Tickets are $15 each ($10 for students). Get yours at mcc.org/we-own-this-now.
Saturday October 21st 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Bucket of Thanks at Material Resources Warehouse, 65 Heritage Dr, New Hamburg. This fall, the Material Resources warehouse is opening its doors and welcoming visitors to an event for the whole family with games, snacks and hands-on activities for all ages. We invite you to participate in activities for kids and to pack a kit or two while you’re there! Admission is free, but we are asking for a donation of large bath soap bars (in original wrapping) to help stuff our kits. Go to mcc.org/events/bucket-thanks for more info.
Sunday October 22 2-5 pm A Celebration of Fun Event”. In memory of John (Jack) Schultz at Poole Mennonite Church. This is an afternoon of singing, playing, storytelling and comedy. Everyone is welcome. Hotdogs and light refreshments will be served.
The event is free, but there will be an opportunity to give a donation to The United Way (Stratford) (to fight homelessness) or if you would like to bring an item for the Milverton Food Bank. “This event is sponsored by the John Schultz Estate”
Hidden Acres’ 3rd Rally for Recreation is happening October 27-29. Will you join us in raising funds to upgrade our sports court? You can sign up as an individual, create a team and invite others to rally with you, or if you’re unable to participate but want to support the fundraiser, you can make a donation towards the project.
For more information and to sign up visit www.hiddenacres.ca
Save the Date: MCC Peace Conference
November 18, 2023 at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, 110 Doon Rd, Kitchener
The MCC Peace Conference is your chance to see, hear and experience first-hand how you and MCC are changing lives and communities through peacebuilding. This event will inspire and inform through general sessions, workshops and conversations with messengers of peace. Stay tuned for more details.