Please see Sun Dec 24th 10 a.m. service bulletin below this Christmas Greeting.

East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 66 Sunday December 24, 2023 No. 52
Sunday December 24, 2023 Morning Worship at 10 a.m.
Junior Sunday School will present their Christmas Program.
Prelude: Carol Singing led by Connie Yantzi Accompanist: Heidi Wagler
Song Leader: Connie Yantzi Coffee Hosts: Janet & Marv Yantzi
Greeters: Jessica & Tyler Yantzi Offering: Where needed most
Audio/Visual: Todd Bender/Brian Wagler
Prelude VT#257 – Away in a Manger
VT#265 – Angels from the Realms of Glory (vs 1 & 2)
VT#267 – What Child is This (vs 1 & 3)
VT#248 – It Came Upon a Midnight Clear (vs 1 & 2)
VT#249 – Angels we have heard on high (Vs 1 & 2)
VT#241 – O Come all ye Faithful (vs 1, 3 & 4)
Song “Born is the King” by Hillsong
Welcome – Katelynn Cressman & Kaelynn Schlegel
Nursery/Preschool & JK/SK classes
led by Joan Y. & Laurel Z. & Melanie W. music by Linda S.
Congregational Song VT #247 “Hark! the Herald Angels Sing”
Call to Worship – Levi Wiegand & Noah Leis
Prayer – Bella Matthews
Congregational Song VT #259 “To Us a Child of Hope is Born”
Congregational Song VT #252 “Go Tell it on the Mountain”
Memory Verse – Emmett Wiegand
Monthly Virtue – Devon Zehr
Weekly Bottom Line – Noah Waymouth
Grades 1-5 Song “What Christmas is all About” by Orange Kids Music
Drummer Boy introduction – Everleigh Yantzi & Hannah Witzel
Grades 6,7 & 8 Song “Little Drummer Boy” by King & Country
Offering – Where needed most
Offertory – Lydia Witzel & Hannah Witzel
Prayer & Sharing – Pastor Mike
Ornaments – Alexis Leis
Song “Joy to the World” by Phil Wickham
Postlude – Alyssa Matthews & Lydia Witzel
Song “Born is the King” by Hillsong
During the Advent Season this year, East Zorra Mennonite will be collecting a special offering of socks. Tavistock Assistance Program (T.A.P.) has identified a need for new pairs of socks for both adults and children. The offering will run until December 24. Socks can be placed in the basket or manger by the tree at the entrance to the sanctuary.
Coffeetime in the basement immediately following worship. Everyone is welcome. We would ask that everyone provides their own mug to help simplify the preparation and clean up time. We will provide mugs for those who forget theirs or who come as guests on a Sunday morning.
No Junior Sunday School or Adult Sunday School classes today. Classes will resume on Sunday January 14, 2024.
7 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
Prelude: Heidi Wagler Accompanist: Heidi Wagler
Worship Leader: Pastor Ray Song Leader: Caleb Leis
Offering: TAP & Operation Sharing Message: Pastor Mike
Audio/Visual: Greg Pye/Larry Kropf Greeter: Pastor Mike
Do you have a guitar that you haven’t played in awhile? If so, it’s time to dust it off or get it out of the case and tune it up! Maybe you play guitar often, or maybe you are just learning. We are inviting anyone who plays an acoustic guitar to join us on Christmas Eve to play along while we sing Silent Night. If you would be willing to add your guitar to the singing of this beautiful classic hymn, that was first sung on Christmas Eve in 1818 accompanied by guitar when the church organ was broken down, please let Connie know ( or 519-503-4969). Thanks so much!
This Coming Week
Thursday December 28th
- 7:30 p.m. Glorify rehearsal
Next Sunday – December 31, 2023
Prelude: Glorify Accompanist: Glorify
Worship Leader: Brendan Leis Song Leader: Glorify
Greeters: Janet & Marv Yantzi Offering: Where needed most
Audio/Visual: Drystan Bender/Brian Wagler Message: Pastor Ray
Coffee Hosts: Gloria & Merv Ropp
EZMC Announcements
Financial Information as of December 20, 2023
Estimated funds needed to meet our 2023 commitments
Offering Schedule Designations – approximately $46,500
2023 Refugee Fund Commitment – $23,350
We are grateful for your generosity and we prayerfully ask for your continued financial support as you are able. We trust that God will provide so we can fully meet our commitments for 2023.
Donations can be placed in the offering each Sunday (ushers have blank offering envelopes available), mailed to the church or Dawn Zehr or placed in one of two mailboxes at her house. E-transfers or questions about donating can be sent to
Please also submit any 2023 expenses you may have as soon as you can.
Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) and Volunteer Commitment Form reminder. If you are volunteering with children, youth, seniors, or refugees our Safe Church Policy requires these on file. Those who still need to do this were given reminders in their church mailbox recently. Please remember to save and then send your completed VSC to the church office at, as soon as you receive it, because the link that is sent from your local police service expires within days. Your completed Volunteer Commitment form can be put into Lisa’s church mailbox. If you have a VSC that was done within the last 6 months (because you volunteered with another organization ie. school or sports team) you can submit it to update your EZMC file. Thanks so much.
A photo album of the Green Space development, from the very beginning until now, has been placed in the library.
Help build a future of peace in Mindanao: Malipayon Peace Hub
On Friday November 24 our weekly email included an attachment of the monthly newsletter from Dann and Joji Pantoja, witness workers in the Philippines who we support. This newsletter highlights the Malipayon Peace Hub Project which we heard about last month when our guests from the Philippians were here. Mennonite Church Canada is supporting this project and has a fundraising goal of $230,000. They hope to reach this goal March 2024. If you would like to donate to this project please use the link provided below or send a cheque to Mennonite Church Canada 600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Man. R3P 0M4. Your support for this project will be a blessing.
Donation Link:
JCET is still in need of Volunteers.
January to June sign up sheets are up on the bulletin board, downstairs across from the desk. Whether you sign up once or weekly your time spent volunteering is greatly appreciated.
Mark your calendars for VBS 2024 – July 8-12 at EZMC. We can’t wait to see you there!
Beyond Our Church Community
Tuesday January 23rd 12 – 1 p.m. Lunch and Listen with Sara Wyngaarden at 50 Kent Ave, Kitchener or online. Join us online or in-person at the MCC office in Kitchener as we hear from Sara Wyngaarden, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator in Guatemala. Sara will be sharing stories from Guatemala. Go to for more information.
Friday January 26th & Saturday January 27th Becoming Good Relatives Retreat at Jericho House, 10845 Rathfon Rd, Port Colborne. In this one-and-a-half-day retreat, author and speaker Patty Krawec will use Anishinaabe teachings to help participants reflect on their social and individual histories in order to improve their capacity to have difficult conversations with others about Canadian history and current impacts on Indigenous people. To learn more and to register, go to
Saturday January 27th 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Great Winter Warm-up at New Hamburg Material Resources Centre, 65 Heritage Dr, New Hamburg.
This winter, compassionate people like you are giving the gift of warm comforters to those in need around the world. Each comforter provides not only warmth but also a tangible reminder to people in vulnerable situations that their needs are not forgotten. Help us meet our goal to collect 7,000 comforters by holding or attending comforter-knotting blitzes during January and February. On January 27, you’re invited to participate in a comforter-knotting blitz. Knotters of all skills are welcome, and snacks and drinks will be provided. Learn more at
We’re looking for a Cannery Manager!
Things are moving along with the stationary meat canner and we need a Cannery Manger. The manager, based out of New Hamburg, will be responsible for the organization of all canning activities and volunteers who participate in the processing of canned meat. Learn more about this position at
Mennonite Central Committee Ontario – Current Openings
Are you passionate about making a real difference in the lives of others? If so, we’d love to have you join our team. We have an opening for an Ontario Program Administrative Assistant in the Kitchener office, as well as a Volunteer Coordinator and Associate – Home Pick Up at Thrift on Kent. Learn more about these positions at