East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 66 Sunday October 1, 2023 No. 40
The Parables of Jesus: The Good Samaritan
Prelude: Katie Wagler Accompanist: Katie Wagler
Worship Leader: Sheryl Leis Song Leader: Caleb Leis
Greeters: Janet & Marv Yantzi Offering: Mission Partners
Audio/Visual: Greg Pye/Brian Wagler Message: Pastor Mike
Coffeetime: Shirley & Phil Ruby
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship & Prayer
Songs of Gathering & Praise VT # 34 “We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer”
VT #100 “Praise Him, Praise Him”
Offering – Mission Partners
Time with the Children
Scripture Reading: Luke 10:25-37
Song of Response VT #544 “Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling”
Prayer of the Church – Pastor Ray
Sending Song VT #827 “Move in our Midst”
11 am Junior Sunday School children will meet in their classrooms.
Adult Sunday School will meet in the basement following coffee time.
This fall we will question and discuss together the parables and teachings of
Jesus from our reading guide with an ear to trying to understand who is this
God Jesus is revealing and what does this mean for how we live?
Waiver Forms and Volunteer Commitment Forms are available at the JCET desk in the Christian Education Wing. Please take a few moments and get these forms completed.
If you plan to volunteer with children, youth or vulnerable persons please check with our Office Administrator Lisa (office@ezmennonite.ca) to see if your VSC (Vulnerable Sector Check) is up to date. Our Safe Church Policy requires a VSC from volunteers every 5 years.
This Coming Week
Tuesday October 3rd
9 a.m. Sewing Circle – Everyone is welcome to join us to knot comforters or
quilt. Come for the day or part of the day. Please bring your lunch and
Wednesday October 4th
10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Bible Study
7 p.m. Play Group setup
Thursday October 5th
9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
Next Sunday – October 8, 2023
Thanksgiving Sunday
The Parables of Jesus: The Pharisee & The Tax Collector
Prelude: Heidi Wagler Accompanist: Heidi Wagler
Worship Leader: Kim Leis Song Leader: Connie Yantzi
Greeters: Carol & Owen Cook Offering: MCEC & MC Canada
Audio/Visual: Drystan Bender/Larry Kropf Message: Pastor Ray
Coffeetime: Michelle & Brad Brenneman
Please note that we are not having Sunday School classes on this day
EZMC Announcements
Thanks Giving Offering/Drive – As an expression of thankfulness, Missions invites you to support TAP and Wilmot Family Resource Centre. Your gifts of offering, paper products or food items between October 1 – 15 would be gratefully received
- Gifts of offering should be designated as “Thanks Giving Offering” on the offertory envelope. he offering collected will be split between TAP and WFRC.
- Paper products such as toilet paper, paper towels, size 4 and 5 diapers, Goodnight diapers for smaller adults, Boost, Ensure, coffee and tea would be welcome donations by TAP.
- Any food items that have not expired would be welcome donations by WFRC.
- Items may be placed in the lower foyer beside the mailboxes.
The Worship Committee has been discussing bringing back the Live Nativity this Christmas, but we need some Leaders. If you feel the call to be a Chair or Co-Chair of the Live Nativity, please let anyone on the worship committee know by October 1. The Worship Community consists of Michelle Brenneman, Gwen Matthews, Linda Schumm, Lauren Witmer-Hohl, Pastor Ray and Lindsay Zehr.
MYF is having a Bigger Better Night Oct 13. We will start shortly after 7pm. Please
be warned a group of youth may come knocking on your door looking to trade up on the item they have! Please see Caleb, Kris or Krista with any questions.
MYF is planning a Progressive Supper on Friday Oct 20. Please consider if you’d be willing to host us for either: appetizer, 1/2 a main meal, or dessert. We will get to the first house for 6:30. Sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board. If you have any questions please talk to Caleb, Kris, or Krista.
The Great East Zorra Men’s Turkey Gathering
Saturday October 21 11:00am-2:00pm at Trevor Kropf’s
Suggested Donation $10.00
The leaves are turning, the air is cooler, Fall is finally here and with it is a time for guys of all ages to gather once again at Trevor Kropf’s for an afternoon of feasting, fellowship and fun.
All you need to bring is a lawn chair, utensils, a beverage, and an appetite.
Please sign-up in the lobby or email Pastor Mike at mike@ezmennonite.ca if you plan to attend.
Hope to see you there!
Agape Fellowship Invitation: As Agape Fellowship continues to be without a pastor, there is a need for speakers at their church this fall. We would like to support them on one of their November dates (November 12, 19 or 26) with some sharing and music. If you are interested in speaking and/or singing, please contact Pastor Ray or Susan Schmitz in the next few weeks. Thank you so much.
That fall feeling is settling in on the Green Space.
It has been a hub of activities hosting – Tuesday team meetings, Junior S S. year end parties, funeral lunches, overflow parking (funerals), EZ young family events, a wedding, VBS, Ice Skating, a winter Nativity walk through, campfires, worship service, baptism, anniversary celebrations, potlucks and more – all since its beginning in 2021.
Thank You to everyone who has contributed to this project to date. There is a shortfall of 2117.42 needed to meet the projected budget of 3,672.42 for 2023 and the completion of G.S. projects.
As we thank God for such a wonderful space – your ongoing contributions are very appreciated.
JCET is still in need of volunteers for the month of November and a couple in December. Please check the sign up sheet across on the bulletin board by the back stairwells.Thank you to everyone who has signed up!
Sunday Afternoon Services at The Maples and peopleCare
The ministerial is planning to offer bi-weekly Sunday afternoon services, at our 2 long term care homes in Tavistock, this Fall. The services (2:30 at peopleCare and 3:15 at The Maples) are 30 minutes services of readings and singing. We need your gifts and help to allow this to happen. Please reach out to Pastor Ray if you would be willing to help with a service or help to co-ordinate a service. Sharing your gifts in this way would be very much appreciated.
Greeters – More volunteers are welcome. As a greeter (individual, couple, or family) you would stand at the top of the stairs outside the parent’s room and greet people as they arrive Sunday morning. We would encourage you to be here by 9:30 or shortly after when you serve in this role. Would you or your family be willing to serve as a greeter and be scheduled in for a few Sunday mornings through the year? Contact Lisa Suderman, our office administrator, if you are willing to help with this ministry.
Beyond Our Church Community
Calling all male singers!
Jubilation Men’s Choir is beginning rehearsals for their Christmas performance of sacred music in Waterloo. If you love singing, come join our enthusiastic group on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm at Waterloo Kitchener United Mennonite Church under the direction of Paul Saunders. Tenors especially welcome! Music is provided.
Contact Lloyd Koch for more information. lekoch@hotmail.com
Thursday October 5th 7 p.m. Book Launch Eating Like A Mennonite: Food and Community Across Borders by Marlene Epp. Celebrate the launch of Professor Emeritus Marlene Epp’s new book exploring the meaning of Mennonite foodways, around the table and around the world. Hosted at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo. Books available. Reception to follow. Learn more at grebel.ca/events
60th Anniversary Gala Dinner. Wednesday, October 11, 6:00 PM | Hosted by Eric Friesen, this Gala will celebrate Grebel’s 60 years of impact! We’ll recreate memories of Community Supper and raise money for residence facility projects. University of Waterloo President Vivek Goel will speak about “Waterloo at 100.” Tickets available at uwaterloo.ca/grebel/events/60th-gala-dinner
Thursday October 12th High Noon Lunch @ Grace United Church in Tavistock.
Socialize over a nutritious home-style lunch at 12 and then stay for music with Dwight Steinmann and Jim Bender. Cost: Freewill offering.
We Own this Now
October 12, 2023 at 7:00 pm, Steinmann Mennonite Church, 1316 Snyder Rd W, Baden
October 15, 2023 at 7:00 pm, Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, 110 Doon Rd, Kitchener
Starring Ted Swartz and Michelle Milne, We Own This Now is a play that looks at love of land, loss of land and what it means to “own” something. We Own This Now examines how the Doctrine of Discovery is still being used and causing harm today. Presented by Ted & Company TheatreWorks. Tickets are $15 each ($10 for students). Get yours at mcc.org/we-own-this-now.
Saturday October 14th Save the date: Empty Bowls for Haiti 5 pm and 7 pm, Steinmann Mennonite Church, Local potters donate hand-crafted bowls and local restaurants provide a wide variety of delicious soups. Funds raised strengthen communities in Haiti. Tickets are $35 each. Go to mcc.org/events to buy your tickets today!
Saturday October 21st 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Bucket of Thanks at Material Resources Warehouse, 65 Heritage Dr, New Hamburg. This fall, the Material Resources warehouse is opening its doors and welcoming visitors to an event for the whole family with games, snacks and hands-on activities for all ages. We invite you to participate in activities for kids and to pack a kit or two while you’re there! Admission is free, but we are asking for a donation of large bath soap bars (in original wrapping) to help stuff our kits. Go to mcc.org/events/bucket-thanks for more info.
Sunday October 22 2-5 pm A Celebration of Fun Event”. In memory of John (Jack) Schultz at Poole Mennonite Church. This is an afternoon of singing, playing, storytelling and comedy. Everyone is welcome. Hotdogs and light refreshments will be served.
The event is free, but there will be an opportunity to give a donation to The United Way (Stratford) (to fight homelessness) or if you would like to bring an item for the Milverton Food Bank. “This event is sponsored by the John Schultz Estate”
Hidden Acres’ 3rd Rally for Recreation is happening October 27-29. Will you join us in raising funds to upgrade our sports court? You can sign up as an individual, create a team and invite others to rally with you, or if you’re unable to participate but want to support the fundraiser, you can make a donation towards the project.
For more information and to sign up visit www.hiddenacres.ca
Save the Date: MCC Peace Conference
November 18, 2023 at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, 110 Doon Rd, Kitchener
The MCC Peace Conference is your chance to see, hear and experience first-hand how you and MCC are changing lives and communities through peacebuilding. This event will inspire and inform through general sessions, workshops and conversations with messengers of peace. Stay tuned for more details.