East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 67 Sunday March 17, 2024 No. 11
Sunday March 17, 2024
Sunday Morning Worship – 10 a.m.
Stories from the Life of Jesus – The Transfiguration of Jesus
Prelude: Heidi/Lydia Accompanist: Heidi Wagler
Worship Leader: Dylan Yantzi Song Leader: Myron Ruby
Greeters: Joyce & Howard Ropp Offering: Local Ministries
Audio/Visual: Greg Pye/Larry Kropf Message: Pastor Mike
Coffee Hosts: Gloria & Tom Roth
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship & Prayer
Songs of Gathering & Praise
VT #57 “Holy Spirit, Come with Power”
VT #570 “When We Walk with the Lord”
Offering – Local Ministries
Time with the Children Pastor Mike
Scripture Reading: Matthew 17:1-13
Message: Pastor Mike
Prayer of Confession & Assurance
Song of Response VT #301 “Jesus on the Mountain Peak”
Prayer of the Church
Sending Song VT #716 “God of Grace and God of Glory”
Coffeetime in the basement immediately following worship. Everyone is welcome. We would ask that everyone provides their own mug to help simplify the preparation and clean up time. We will provide mugs for those who forget theirs or who come as guests on a Sunday morning.
11 a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages
This Coming Week
Tuesday March 19th
- 1:30 – 3:30 Prayer Shawl at Jean MacDonald’s. New knitters are always welcome.
Wednesday March 20th
- 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Bible Study
- 7 p.m. Play Group set up
Thursday March 21st
- 9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
- 12 p.m. Lenten Luncheon at Grace United Church at Grace United Church (Elevator and Hearing Assistance). Each Thursday during Lent beginning at noon with meditation and music in the Sanctuary followed by Soup and Sandwich Lunch at 12:30 p.m. Suggested contribution is $5-$10 for lunch. Theme is “Spiritual Practises for a Climate Crisis” Each week we will focus on an emotion that describes our relationship with creation. Week 6: Awe
- 7 p.m. Mission Committee Meeting
- 7 – 9 pm The Congregational Life Committee invites you to an Intergenerational Games night at the church. Everyone is welcome. Bring your favourite games. Feel free to invite a friend or neighbour.
Friday March 22nd
- 7 p.m. MYF – Comforter Knotting
Sunday March 24, 2024
Stories from the Life of Jesus – Palm Sunday
Prelude: Brandy Sell Accompanist: Bethany Zehr
Worship Leader: Tracey Kropf Song Leader: Caleb Leis
Greeters: Susan & Bill Schmitz Offering: Leadership
Audio/Visual: Drystan Bender/Brian Wagler Message: Pastor Mike
Coffee Hosts: Carol & Owen Cook
12:30 – 6 p.m. Private Party
EZMC leads afternoon worship services at:
2:15 pm peopleCare
3:15 pm Maples
EZMC Announcements
Cash offerings – Reminder from Treasurer
If you are using the blank offering envelopes with cash, please include your name on the envelope if you would like the cash counted for a tax receipt at the end of the year.
Sunday Services at The Maples and peopleCare March 24.
You are invited to participate in Sunday afternoon services on March 24 and/or June 9. Very young to mature are welcome! It’s an hour and a half commitment at the very most. It involves saying hello to the seniors, participating in singing or playing a musical instrument, and/or reading a poem, short story, or scripture. Please speak to Pastor Ray or Susan Schmitz.
Maundy Thursday Service (March 28) 7 p.m. will include Hand Washing and Communion
Easter Sunday (March 31st)
8:30 a.m. – A light Easter breakfast will be served. Please sign the sheet on the bulletin board by Sunday March 24th if you plan to attend.
9:15-9:50 a.m. Easter Children’s Gathering in the Assembly Room for Grades 1-8. Create your own Easter Story Snack Mix and participate in an act of KINDNESS and LOVE like the Disciples did with Jesus. Children in Nursery to SK can gather with their parent by the climber where a table with colouring & activity sheets will be available & each child will be given an Easter Story Snack Mix.
10 a.m. Easter Worship Service
Please note that coffee will be served at breakfast and we will not be having coffeetime after the worship service.
Nominations for Lay Ministers
Jared Yantzi will be completing his term as one of our two Lay Ministers of Christian Education and Nurture and Marv Leis will be completing his term as a Care Team member. We would like to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to each of them for their dedication and commitment to their role.
To assist the Gift Discernment Committee in the discerning process you will be invited on Sunday, March 24, to submit nominations for these two positions. Please prayerfully consider who you feel could serve in these roles.
Your nomination for the Care Team member should be a male with daytime flexibility. If you are unable to be at church on March 24 please submit your nominations to Wayne Yantzi by email, wdyantzi@gmail.com by Sunday March 31.
The MYF and the Adult Fellowship group will be enjoying an evening of friendly crokinole games and finger foods on Friday April 5th at 7 pm at the church.
Please bring your crokinole board and finger foods to share.
Sunday Morning Volunteer Opportunities
Greeters – As a greeter (individual, couple, or family) you would stand at the top of the stairs outside the parent’s room and greet people as they arrive Sunday morning. We would encourage you to be here by 9:30 or shortly after when you serve in this role. Would you or your family be willing to serve as a greeter and be scheduled in for a few Sunday mornings through the year?
Coffee Time Hosts – A coffee host prepares the coffee and cleans up after.
Contact Lisa Suderman, our Office Administrator, by March 22nd if you are willing to volunteer as a greeter or coffee host. Thanks so much.
On behalf of Benedikt Isert Bender, MCEC has invited members of East Zorra to support Benedikt through prayer, encouragement, and financial gifts. Benedikt was here March 10 and shared about his one-year service assignment as a Social Enterprise Trainee at Coffee for Peace, learning the value chain of the coffee industry framed in social justice and peacebuilding as well as additional responsibilities! Donations to support Benedikt can be made to Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, designated “STIM – Bender” and mailed to Mennonite Church Eastern Canada 201 – 50 Kent Ave., Kitchener, ON N2G 3R1.
Plastic containers needed!
Please save 500 ml/2 cup size plastic containers (eg sour cream, margarine) to be reused for this year’s relief sale donut project. They can be placed in the marked box under the mailboxes in the lobby. Thank you!
Mark your calendars for this year’s EZ Women’s IF Gathering here at the church, April 12th and 13th. What is an IF Gathering?
“If Gathering exists to equip women with gospel-centered resources, events and community so they may learn more about who God is and disciple other women.”
The theme this year is- A Reason to Celebrate, A Moment to Risk Again. Come join us as we thank God for all he has done in our past and discuss how are we going to live differently for Him going forward. The cost for registration is $30 and this includes lunch on Saturday from Raja Thai and Indian Cuisine. Please sign up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board in the front lobby. Spread the word and invite your friends to join us! If you have any questions you can ask one of the planning team members, Erin Yantzi, Ashley Witzel, Sheryl Leis, Heidi Wagler or Jess Yantzi. Stay tuned for more details to come!
The 2024 Camp Subsidy Form is now available and you can complete and return to Dawn Zehr either by email (gdzehr@gmail.com) or mail (EZMC P.O. Box 997 Tavistock, ON N0B 2R0). Forms are available in the literature rack beside the main bulletin board or by contacting Lisa Suderman at office@ezmennonite.ca
If you have any questions please contact one of the Christian Education Lay Ministers – Bethany Kropf or Jared Yantzi.
Help build a future of peace in Mindanao: Malipayon Peace Hub
On Friday November 24 our weekly email included an attachment of the monthly newsletter from Dann and Joji Pantoja, witness workers in the Philippines who we support. This newsletter highlights the Malipayon Peace Hub Project which we heard about last month when our guests from the Philippians were here. Mennonite Church Canada is supporting this project and has a fundraising goal of $230,000. They hope to reach this goal March 2024. If you would like to donate to this project please use the link provided below or send a cheque to Mennonite Church Canada 600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Man. R3P 0M4.Your support for this project will be a blessing. Donation Link: https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/philippines-transition
Beyond our Church Community
Sunday March 17th Tavistock Mennonite Church’s Witness and Service Committee would like to invite you to a Potluck Lunch and Silent Auction at TMC, after the service, in support of their Refugee Fund. Lunch at 12 p.m. (bring your favourite potluck dish) Silent auction closes at 1 p.m. (come early and check out the items)
Wilmot Ecumenical Working Group on Indigenous/Settler Relationships
It’s just one week until the last screening of our 2023/2024 film series. Hope to see you on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024, 7 p.m. at Zion United Church, New Hamburg when we will show three short films that celebrate storytelling, resilience and culture originating from different Indigenous communities across Canada. The screening will be followed by a time for discussion.
Two members of our group will be presenting on Thursday March 28, 2024 from 1:45 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. to the Active Living Centre at the Wilmot Recreation Complex at 1291 Nafziger Road, Baden. All those 55+ are invited. Registration is not required.
Saturday April 6th Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp’s 40th Annual Bowlathon.
This is one of the camp’s main annual fundraising events with last year’s Bowlathon raising almost $30,000! You can show your support by making a donation at hiddenacres.ca/donate, and select “Annual Bowlathon” from the list. If you have any questions please contact us at info@hiddenacres.ca or 519-625-8602. Thank you!
Monday April 29th 6 p.m. New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale Promotion Dinner
at Calvary United Church (48 Hawkesville Rd, St. Jacobs).
More than just a meal, the NHMRS promotion dinner is your chance to connect with community and support MCC! Enjoy a delicious buffet dinner and acapella music by Surrendered. MCC will share an update on their work in Ethiopia. Funds raised will offset costs of running the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale. Skip the line and order your tickets online today! Tickets can also be reserved in advance by contacting Justin Armitage at 519-745-8458 ext. 262.