East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 68 Sunday March 16, 2025 No. 11
Lent 2 – Christ Among Us, Showing Us Faith
Prelude/Accompanist: Bethany Zehr Song Leader: Lindsay Zehr
Greeters: Jessica & Tyler Yantzi Worship Leader: Caleb Leis
Audio/Visual: Todd Bender/Larry Kropf Offering: Local Ministries
Coffee Hosts: Megan MacDonald & Russ Schumm Message: Pastor Ray
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship & Opening Prayer
Songs of Gathering & Praise
VT #420 “God of the Bible”
VT #419 “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
Offering: Local Ministries
Time with the Children – Sheryl Leis
Prayer of Confession
Scripture Reading: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16, Mark 8:31-38
Message – Pastor Ray
VT #443 “I have Decided to follow Jesus”
Prayer of the Church – Pastor Ray
Sending Song
VT #588 “We Walk by Faith”
Coffeetime in the basement immediately following worship. Everyone is welcome. We would ask that everyone provides their own mug to help simplify the preparation and clean up time. We will provide mugs for those who forget theirs or who come as guests on a Sunday morning.
11 a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages.
This Coming Week
Tuesday March 18th
- 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Prayer Shawl at Jean MacDonald’s (182 Rudy Ave, Tavistock).
- 7 p.m. Finance and Facility Meeting
Wednesday March 19th
- 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Bible Study
- 1 p.m. Care Team Meeting
- 6:30 p.m. AV Committee Meeting
- E Z Play Group setup
Thursday March 20th
- 9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
- Tavistock & Area Ministerial Lenten Service & Lunch at Grace United Church (Elevator and Hearing Assistance). Each Thursday during Lent beginning at 12:10 p.m. with meditation and music in the Sanctuary followed by Soup and Sandwich Lunch at 12:30 p.m. Suggested donation is $10 for lunch. Theme is The “I AM” Statements of Jesus.
Week 3: The Good Shepherd (hosted by Cassel Mennonite @ Grace United)
Friday March 21st
- 7 – 9 p.m. Junior Youth Baking and Nest Box Building @ church
- MYF – Waterloo Region Worship Night at Base Church in Bloomingdale
Next Sunday – March 23, 2025
Lent 3 – Christ Among Us, Showing Us Justice
Prelude/Accompanist: Brandy Sell Song Leader: Caleb Leis
Greeters: Janet & Marv Yantzi Worship Leader: Marlow Gingerich
Audio/Visual: Greg Pye/Brian Wagler Offering: Leadership
Coffee Hosts: Brett Zehr & Ryan Wagler Message: Pastor Mike
EZMC Announcements
Please note that Heidi will not be available in her Faith Community Nurse role from Sunday March 16 thru Friday March 21. Brian and Heidi will be away for vacation time.
Faith Formation Classes & Baptism 2025
Pastor Ray and Pastor Mike will be hosting Faith Formation classes for any youth or adult who is interested in learning more about our faith or is expressing an interest in being Baptised this year.
The classes will begin on Sunday April 6th, 8:30-9:30 at the church, breakfast provided.
We plan to meet six to seven Sundays, with the hope of a Baptism Service on Sunday June 1.
If you are interested, or would like to know more, please contact Pastor Mike.
The Congregational Life Committee is excited to host a skating party at the Tavistock arena on Saturday April 5 @7pm! We have the ice and upper hall rented for 2 hours (7-9pm). This event is for all! Whether you like to skate or prefer to watch while playing games and visiting in the upper hall, everyone is welcome! Bring your families, friends, and neighbours, and a finger-food snack to share. Drinks will be provided. Hope to see you there!
This is just a reminder from Gift Discernment Committee to those of you who received the request to review your job descriptions. We have received a few job descriptions back but know there are many more out there that need to be looked at.
Please highlight all changes and send the updated job description to Kim – kdleis@yahoo.com by March 22, 2025. Thank you for taking a moment to do this!
A note to Volunteers – Our Safe Church Policy states that all volunteers who work with children, youth or vulnerable persons need to submit a Vulnerable Sector Check every 5 years and a Volunteer Commitment Form each year. If you volunteered and these are not in place you will receive an email from the church office with a reminder, or forms in your church mailbox. You may also contact Lisa anytime at office@ezmennonite.ca to check if your volunteer file is up to date. THANK YOU for volunteering your time and energy to support the children, youth, and vulnerable persons connected to our church family! We appreciate your willingness to submit a Vulnerable Sector Check & a Volunteer Commitment Form as we work together to create a safe and healthy environment where relationships can flourish, and faith can grow!
The 2025 Camp Subsidy Form is now available, and you can complete and return to Becky Bender either by email (treasurer@ezmennonite.ca) or put in her church mailbox. Forms are available in the literature rack beside the main bulletin board or by contacting Lisa at office@ezmennonite.ca If you have any questions please contact one of the Christian Education Lay Ministers – Bethany Kropf or Caleb Leis.
Beyond our Church Community
MDS invites volunteers to help rebuild a flooded home in Constance Bay (near Ottawa, ON). Sign up for a week, beginning in March, to help rebuild a house along the Ottawa River. Contact Clara Flores at cflores@mds.org or 1 (866) 261-1274 for more information and to sign up.
Friday March 21st – Sunday March 23rd The Clockmaker’s Daughter|. The Conrad Grebel University College Student Council presents the first Canadian production of The Clockmaker’s Daughter, a musical. General admission $25, Student/senior $20, with 10% of profits going to a local charity. Evening and matinee shows will be held at the Conrad Centre for the Performing Arts in downtown Kitchener.
Buy tickets at uwaterloo.ca/grebel/clockmakers-daughter
Monday March 24th 6 p.m. Hope Starts at Home: An evening with Phyllis Webstad, at Bingemans Conference Centre, 425 Bingemans Centre Dr, Kitchener. Phyllis is the founder and ambassador of the Orange Shirt Society. Phyllis will share her childhood of healing and reconciliation in Canada as we seek to restore justice, foster belonging and address poverty in Ontario. Funds raised at the event will supply MCC Ontario’s new meat cannery.
To learn more and order your tickets, go to mcc.org/evening-with-phyllis-webstad
Rockway Mennonite Collegiate invites you to join us at our upcoming events. Visit rockway.ca/events for more information:
- March 27, 7 pm: Youth Mental Health – Understanding Anxiety. The evening will focus on supporting parents and giving them the tools they need to support their child.
- April 15, 7 pm: Grade 7-12 Information Night. If your family is looking for a new school environment, join us to learn more about what Rockway has to offer.
- April 15, 7 pm: Grade 7-12 Art Exhibition. Enjoy an evening of student art and delicious treats in the Visual Arts Café.
- Help support Rockway’s Student Tuition Assistance program by becoming a golfer in Rockway’s 30th Annual Golf Classic and/or by contacting Chris Ainsworth, Director of Advancement (advancement@rockway.ca), to discuss how to become a golf sponsor.
Monday April 14th – Seniors Retreat at Hidden Acres
Seniors are invited to Hidden Acres for Exploring Beginnings: The New Testament and the Anabaptist Bible with guest speakers Alicia Batten and Mollee Moua. Cost is $55 and includes lunch. For more information or to register go to hiddenacres.ca/programs/seniors-retreat
Friday April 25th 6 – 9 p.m. Wilmot Family Resource Centre (WFRC) presents Passion to Action: Women’s Wellness Event on. Join us for an exhilarating evening to celebrate women in our community. Workshops, vendors, food, a fashion show and lots more! Tickets are $25/person. To register or for more information, please contact the Wilmot Family Resource Centre at (519) 662-2731 or info@wilmotfamilyresourcecentre.ca.
MCC Virtual Peace Table – MCC is sponsoring a virtual gathering where individuals, denominations, churches and other organizations can come together to develop a virtual “peace table”. We envisage a space where we can discuss and respond to current world events from a place of nonviolence and peace. An initial conversation will be held this spring. We’re interested in hearing what conversations are happening in your networks and areas of influence. If you’re interested in joining others who are considering approaches to living out their faith using nonviolence in today’s turbulent times, please reach out to Rod Friesen at rodfriesen@mcco.ca.
Looking for a FUN and IMPACTFUL summer job?
Hidden Acres Camp provides opportunities for you to impact the lives of young people, serve God and others in a safe and fun environment, grow in your ability to be a great leader and have fun through it all! For available positions and more information or to apply, go to www.hiddenacres.ca or contact Josh Penfold at 519-625-8602 or josh@hiddenacres.ca
New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale
- Calling All Musicians and Singers!
Are you interested in sharing your musical talents at the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale? We’re looking for performers to create a lively atmosphere throughout the day. Whether you’d like to move around the fairgrounds entertaining attendees or set up in one spot, we’d love to hear from you. If you’re interested in performing, please contact Sheryl Bruggeling at sherylbruggeling@mcco.ca or call 519-745-8458 ext 265.
- New Hamburg Mennonite Sale Promotion Dinner
Monday April 28th 6 p.m.at Calvary United Church, 48 Hawkesville Rd., St. Jacobs
Join us for a delightful evening out featuring a delicious buffet dinner catered by Gracie’s Country Oven! Enjoy great food, connect with community, and learn about MCC’s work. This fundraising dinner helps offset the costs of the relief sale so more funds from our May event can support MCC’s global relief, development, and peace work. While the admission covers dinner expenses, donations are gratefully received. Tickets are $25 per adult, children 10 and under are free! Order tickets online at mcc.org/nhmrs-dinner or call Justin to reserve your seats in advance 519-745-8458 ext 262
- Youth and Young Adults: Join the NHMRS Committee!
Do you want to bring energy and fresh ideas to a meaningful cause? We’re seeking enthusiastic youth and young adults to join the New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale committee—a great opportunity to help plan an event that makes a real impact in our community and beyond. Join our dynamic team, learn new skills, and support MCC’s global relief, development, and peace work. Whether you’re interested in event planning, outreach, or simply serving, we’d love to have you. Interested? Please email John Reimer at johnreimer@nhmrs.com or text 519-498-3620.
Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. We’re truly grateful and look forward to an inspiring sale ahead.
Come to Hidden Acres Summer Camp!
Are you looking for a fun, safe summer camp experience? Hidden Acres’ camp provides great opportunities to connect with God, each other and nature. Campers get to enjoy swimming, canoeing, archery, nature exploration, rock climbing, low ropes, camp-outs, sports, group games and more, all in the company of peers and our fun and supportive staff team. Check out www.hiddenacres.ca for our dates & rates. Contact our Program Director, Josh Penfold at josh@hiddenacres.ca for more information. See you for summer 2025!
MCEC is excited to host MC Canada Gathering 2025. Volunteer Coordinators, Ashley Drudge and Gladys Bender are seeking volunteers of all ages, interested in welcoming and offering hospitality to MC Canada Gathering participants from across Canada. A variety of positions and time slots are available. For more information, please contact gathering@mennonitechurch.ca.
Registration is now open for Gathering 2025 – Mennonite Church Canada taking place from July 2-5, 2025 in Kitchener/Waterloo. Don’t miss this incredible experience of our nationwide faith community together in worship, building relationships, discerning our next steps and taking care of business. You will find more information in your church mailbox.
This Gathering is shaping up to be an incredible experience with three unique avenues for engagement:
1.Congregational Gathering: Join delegates and congregational representatives for inspiring sessions, worship, and connection.
2.Youth Gathering: A vibrant, energetic event designed specifically for youth, hosted on the University of Waterloo campus.
3.U30 Young Adult Gathering: Engage with peers through tailored events, including a special post-Gathering celebration at Hidden Acres!
Early bird registration from March 5 to May 15.
Anabaptism at 500 Essay Contest Offers College Scholarship Opportunities
Want to earn a scholarship for college? The Living Forward: Anabaptism at 500 Essay Contest is your chance to showcase your writing skills and win financial support for your education. Eligible students are invited to submit an essay to compete for a scholarship for the 2025-2026 academic year. The student with the best essay will receive a scholarship of $1,000 and the first runner-up will receive a scholarship of $500. Don’t miss this chance to share your perspective, strengthen your writing, and invest in your future. Submit your essay today! Submission deadline is April 19, 2025. Please see the bulletin board for more details.