East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 67 Sunday June 23, 2024 No. 25
Sunday June 16 2024 – Morning Worship – 10 a.m.
Prelude: Laurie Yantzi/Hannah Witzel Accompanist: Laurie Yantzi
Worship Leader: Caleb Leis Song Leader: Myron Ruby
Greeters: Gloria & Merv Ropp Offering: Relief/MCC
Audio/Visual: Todd Bender/Brian Wagler Message: Pastor Ray
Coffee Hosts: Megan MacDonald & Russ Schumm
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship & Opening Prayer
Songs of Gathering & Praise
VT #496 “I Owe the Lord a Morning Song”
VT # 129 “O Worship Our God”
Offering – Relief/Mennonite Central Committee
Time with the Children Sheryl Leis
Scripture Reading: Acts 28:16-31
Message Pastor Ray
Song of Response
VT #411 “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”
Sharing & Prayer of the Church Pastor Mike
Sending Song
VT #566 “We Will Follow”
Coffeetime in the basement immediately following worship. Everyone is welcome. We would ask that everyone provides their own mug to help simplify the preparation and clean up time. We will provide mugs for those who forget theirs or who come as guests on a Sunday morning.
Care Team and Young Adult Lunch at Brian and Heidi Wagler’s.
This Coming Week
Heidi Wagler, our Faith Community Nurse, will be on a week of holidays beginning Tuesday June 25.
Tuesday June 25th
- 6:30 p.m. Staff Congregation Relations Committee Meeting
Wednesday June 26th
- 7 p.m. Adult Fellowship Strawberry Social
Karen Bearinger will share and Special music by the Ropp’s.
Dessert and coffee/tea following the program.
Thursday June 27th
- 9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
Next Sunday – June 30, 2024
10 a.m. Worship Service
We will be welcoming Cassel Mennonite and Tavistock Mennonite at East Zorra as we meet for the first of our shared Worship services on holidays weekend this summer.
Prelude: Heidi Wagler Accompanist: Heidi Wagler
Worship Leader: Pastor Ray Song Leader: Lindsay Zehr
Greeter: Jean MacDonald Offering: Local Ministries
Audio/Visual: Greg Pye/Larry Kropf Message: Pastor Mike
Coffee Hosts: Kristen & Daryl Cressman
EZMC Announcements
Staff Congregation Relations Committee (SCRC) would like to let everyone know that our treasurer, Dawn Zehr, will be retiring at the end of this year. We’d like to thank her for 23 years of faithful service to our church. We have started conversations about how best to fill this huge responsibility. Please stay tuned over the next few months as we work through this process.
Blessings Dawn as you work towards wrapping up your role and all the best for your future endeavours.
Refugee Resettlement Updates: Daud Tokhi and family passed their interviews May 29th! The date of their arrival is yet to be confirmed, but should be this summer! Our commitment to pay rent for their first years’ rent should begin this year. Secondly, Maryam Mosrafa Al Younes and her family of five, who we co-sponsored with TMC (Tavistock Mennonite Church),arrived safely April 4, 2024. (Following the arrival of the Nouwara & Al Younes and family in 2019, EZ agreed to co-sponsor Nouwara Younes’ sister Maryam and her five children.) Due to the increased prices in housing, the initial costs of the co-sponsorships have risen since we approved these mission ministries. Our initial commitment of $25,000 to co-sponsor Maryam Mosrafa Al Younes and her family of five, should be adjusted to $35,000.
Our commitment to cover rent for one year for Daud Tokhi and familywill increase our costs from $25,000 to at least $35,000. Please prayerfully and generously support our refugee resettlement commitments.
Community Campfires at East Zorra Mennonite
6:30-8:30 in the Green Space
July 3, July 24, August 7, August 21
Everyone of all ages is invited to bring a lawn chair, a snack and a refreshment to drink and join us this Summer in our Green Space around the campfire for a time of fellowship, conversation and fun. There will be no set agenda (though Pastors Ray and Mike may spark some short conversations…) and children will be free to use the equipment and play.
We look forward to enjoying each other’s company.
Upcoming Summer Services:
Sunday June 30
We will be welcoming Cassel Mennonite and Tavistock Mennonite at East Zorra as we meet for the first of our shared Worship services on holidays weekend this summer.
Sunday July 7
EZMC Outdoor Service and Potluck at Queen’s Park Pavillion. More details will follow in the coming weeks.
Sunday August 4
Shared Worship service hosted at Tavistock Mennonite Church.
Sunday August 11
Tavistock and Area Ecumenical Worship Service in Queen’s Park.
Sunday September 1
Shared Worship Service hosted at Cassel Mennonite Church.
Upcoming Adult Fellowship Events – Save the following dates:
Saturday September 7th
2 p.m. Play “Onion Skins and Peach Fuzz”, the story of the Farmerettes, at Blyth Theatre. Tickets are $43.00. For tickets speak to Owen and Carol Cook as soon as possible. Deadline to order is July 28th. We will carpool to Blyth and plan to stop at Swiss Chalet in Stratford for Supper after the play. More info to follow.
Thursday November 28th
Catered Christmas Dinner by Quehls.
Entertainment – “Menno Valley Sound”
Student Aid Applications:
Students, are you considering a Christian school for your education for the next school year? (e.g. Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, Canadian Mennonite University, Conrad Grebel University College, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary). East Zorra is committed to supporting individuals who consider Christian nurture and leadership development to be part of their education. Student aid applications are due June 30th for the 2024/2025 school year (Sept 2024 – Aug 2025). If you are interested in applying or would like to know more, you will find the Student Aid policy and application under the church mailboxes or contact Lisa at office@ezmennonite.ca who can email the application to you. You can direct the completed applications and any questions to Finance and Facility Chair Brendan Leis at b_leis@hotmail.com.
VBS Important Dates
July 8-12th- VBS Week- Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus Was a Kid
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer during VBS, don’t hesitate to reach out to Naomi or Ashley
Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp is once again offering two weeks of camp for Low Income single moms and their children (between ages 5 to 12) this summer.
For any single parent families in our congregation that are interested in this opportunity, please contact your pastors or any member of the Care Team. If you are aware of single parents in our community who could benefit from this, please also contact us.
If anyone wishes to offer financial assistance or support of any kind, please contact Maryanne Lebold at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp.
The Anabaptist Community Bible.
Celebrate 500 years of Anabaptism with the Anabaptist Community Bible. This study Bible features commentary from 60 Anabaptist scholars, biblical insights from 16th-century Anabaptists, and marginal notes from nearly 600 study groups from Anabaptists around the globe. The Anabaptist Community Bible uses the Common English Bible (CEB) translation.
There are 3 editions available, Hardcover, Soft Touch and Genuine Leather. If you would like to pre-order a Bible please look for more information in the coming weeks. We will be posting a sign up sheet for those who would like to order a bible.
Beyond our Church Community
Food Truck Thursdays at the New Hamburg Thrift Centre
Every Thursday from 4-8 pm, food trucks will be at the New Hamburg Thrift Centre beginning on June 20th. A poster and schedule of the different food trucks is on the main bulletin board.
More Music at Detweiler Meetinghouse, 3445 Rosevile Rd., Thursday, June 27 at 7 p.m. “Three in the Round,” Gwen Potter, John Harris and Bob MacLean’s very best folk/traditional selections for a special night. Information at Detweilermeetinghouse.ca/events. Admission by donation.
Family Camping Weekend at Hidden Acres
Join us for outdoor family fun at Hidden Acres June 28-29 for our Annual Family Camping Weekend. Camp sites are first come, first serve, cabins require reservation. Check out our website or our brochure for details!
Sunday July 7th 3:30 pm – Oasis Chorale present a concert of a cappella choral music, ‘Radiant Dawn’ at St Jacobs Mennonite Church (1310 King St N, St Jacobs). Oasis Chorale is a 40 voice Anabaptist touring choir – www.oasischorale.org. Free will offering.
The School Kit Challenge
Enter the School Kit Challenge: 24,000 school kits to help 24,000 kids during the month of August. To help you meet this challenge, we’ve got a fun school kit activity resource for Sunday school and VBS students! Sign up to receive our free resource full of activities for kids to learn how school supplies help children around the world receive an education. Learn more at mcc.org/school-kit-challenge.
Join MDS and respond to wildfire in Shuswap, B.C. this September! Sign up to volunteer for a week and help rebuild a home lost to wildfire. Construction experience not required. To learn more and sign up, visit mds.org/canadian-opportunities or call Clara at 1-866-261-1274.
Learning Tour: Travelling Together Through Truth
October 21-25, Timmins, ON
Get ready to be inspired and learn as we embark on an exciting journey of connecting and engaging with First Nations communities, organizations and partners of MCC Ontario’s Indigenous Neighbours program in Timmins. To learn more, conatct Cam McEachern at 705-264-2494, ext. 220 or by email at cammceachern@mcco.ca.