East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 67 Sunday February 4, 2024 No. 5
Sunday February 4, 2024
Sunday Morning Worship – 10 a.m.
Stories from the Life of Jesus – Jesus & Children
Prelude: Glorify Accompanist: Glorify
Worship Leader: Bevin Witmer Song Leader: Glorify
Greeters: Elaine & Dale Leis Offering: Mission Partners
Audio/Visual: Dathan Bender/Larry Kropf Message: Pastor Ray
Coffee Hosts: Kristen & Daryl Cressman
Prelude “Not be Shaken”
“He Reigns”
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship & Prayer
Songs of Praise “House of the Lord”
“Good Grace”
Offering – Mission Partners
Offertory: “Graves into Gardens”
Time with the Children
The congregation will sing “Jesus loves me” as the children gather.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 18:1-11
Message Pastor Ray
Song of Response: “This is amazing Grace”
Prayer of the Church Pastor Mike
Sending Song: “Yes I will”
Blood Pressure Clinic, before church, outside the library or during coffee time downstairs.
Coffeetime in the basement immediately following worship. Everyone is welcome. We would ask that everyone provides their own mug to help simplify the preparation and clean up time. We will provide mugs for those who forget theirs or who come as guests on a Sunday morning.
11 a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages
Adult Sunday School will meet in the sanctuary for an update from the Building Visioning Committee.
This Coming Week
Tuesday February 6th
- 9 a.m. Sewing Circle – Everyone is welcome to join us to knot comforters or quilt. Come for the day or part of the day. Please bring your lunch and drinks.
Wednesday February 7th
- 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Bible Study
- 6 p.m. SCRC Meeting
- 7 p.m. Play Group set up
Thursday February 8th
- 9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
- 12 p.m. High Noon Lunch will be hosted at Trinity Lutheran Church instead of Grace United. A hot lunch will be served followed with entertainment by Barbershop Octet “One More Time” Cost: Freewill offering.
Friday February 9th
- 6:30 – 8 p.m. JWalkers (Junior Youth) Tobogganing in Shakespeare
- 7 p.m. MYF – Games Night at church
Saturday February 10th
- 10 a.m. Baking for HMT event
Next Sunday – February 11, 2024
Stories from the Life of Jesus – Blind Bartimaeus
Prelude: Accompanist: Heidi Wagler
Worship Leader: Kim Leis Song Leader: Myron Ruby
Greeters: Tracey & Larry Kropf Offering: Leadership
Audio/Visual: Todd Bender/Brian Wagler Message: Pastor Mike
Coffee Hosts: Michelle & Brad Brenneman
EZMC Announcements
The 2023 EZMC Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday February 25, 2024.
- The meeting will be held in person and available virtually on Zoom.
- Please submit your Annual Reports, to Lisa ASAP. Email to office@ezmennonite.ca
- The Annual Report will be sent by email but if you would prefer a paper copy, let Lisa know by Thursday February 8th. Please note that paper copies of the report will be delivered to those who receive a printed copy of our Sunday bulletin each Friday.
Tuesday February 13
5:30 – 7 p.m. Care Team along with members of the Congregational Life committee are planning to host a Pancake supper at the church. Please join us for this intergenerational evening of food and fellowship. Everyone is welcome. Gluten free and dairy free pancakes will be available. Please sign up on the sign up sheet on the bulletin board or email your intent to office@ezmennonite.ca. You may also call Lisa at 519-655-6824.
JCET is still in need of Volunteers.
January to June sign up sheets are up on the bulletin board, downstairs across from the desk. Whether you sign up once or weekly your time spent volunteering is greatly appreciated.
Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) and Volunteer Commitment Form (VCF) reminder. If you are volunteering with children, youth, seniors, or refugees our Safe Church Policy requires these on file. Those who still need to do this were given reminders in their church mailbox recently. Please remember to save and then send your completed VSC to the church office at office@ezmennonite.ca, as soon as you receive it, because the link that is sent from your local police service expires within days. Your completed VCF can be put into Lisa’s church mailbox. If you have a VSC that was done within the last 6 months (because you volunteered with another organization ie. school or sports team) please submit it to update your EZMC file.
Save the Date: Friday Night February 16, 2024, 7:00 pm
Health Ministry Team is Hosting a Coffee House Education Event.
February is known for Valentine’s, the Month of Love, or the Symbol of Hearts.
East Zorra will focus on Heart Health in the Month of February.
Enjoy fellowship over dessert and coffee/ tea, while learning how to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke.
Musical Entertainment by No Discernible Key
Guest Speaker: Dr. Narayan (Stratford Internist)
Personal Testimony: Nicole and Duane Swartzentruber
Sign up to reserve your spot at the Coffee House
Donations accepted at the Event to cover costs and for The Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.
Help build a future of peace in Mindanao: Malipayon Peace Hub
On Friday November 24 our weekly email included an attachment of the monthly newsletter from Dann and Joji Pantoja, witness workers in the Philippines who we support. This newsletter highlights the Malipayon Peace Hub Project which we heard about last month when our guests from the Philippians were here. Mennonite Church Canada is supporting this project and has a fundraising goal of $230,000. They hope to reach this goal March 2024. If you would like to donate to this project please use the link provided below or send a cheque to Mennonite Church Canada 600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Man. R3P 0M4.Your support for this project will be a blessing.
Donation Link: https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/philippines-transition
CNOY – You are invited to walk as part of a team or individually in support of the CNOY (Coldest Night of the Year) in a local community of your choice. It is one way to support people experiencing hurt, hunger and homelessness everyday. Click here to register to walk and fundraise for the February 24, 2024 event. – Missions.
Mark your calendars for this year’s EZ Women’s IF Gathering here at the church, April 12th and 13th.
What is an IF Gathering?
“If Gathering exists to equip women with gospel-centered resources, events and community so they may learn more about who God is and disciple other women.”
The theme this year is- A Reason to Celebrate, A Moment to Risk Again.
Come join us as we thank God for all he has done in our past and discuss how are we going to live differently for Him going forward.
The cost for registration is $30 and this includes lunch on Saturday from Raja Thai and Indian Cuisine. Please sign up on the sheet posted on the bulletin board in the front lobby. Spread the word and invite your friends to join us! If you have any questions you can ask one of the planning team members, Erin Yantzi, Ashley Witzel, Sheryl Leis, Heidi Wagler or Jess Yantzi.
Stay tuned for more details to come!
Beyond our Church Community
Material Resources shipments to Ukraine
Material Resources is organizing two shipments to Ukraine, one at the end of January and one in March. Our partners in Ukraine are in need of various items such as comforters, assorted kits and bars of laundry and bath soap. We are blessed to have received everything needed for January, but we still need more items for March. Your contribution can make a significant difference in the lives of those in need. Learn more at mcc.org/get-involved/kits.
Mennonite Day of Action Waterloo: Join the Hymn Sing for a Ceasefire.
Demand all Members of Parliament take action and call for a ceasefire!
Friday February 9th at 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. at Waterloo City Hall
Bring your mitts, a warm drink, and your voice. All are welcome to join together for a hymn sing in support of an immediate ceasefire while we are joined by Mennonites across Canada who will be singing for peace.
To learn more and get involved, please visit: https://www.mennoniteaction.org/
Tuesday February 13th & Thursday February 15th Livestock Sale at the Ontario Livestock Exchange, St. Jacobs. Since 1981, the Livestock Sale (formerly Heifer Sale) has raised over $5.1 million to support the work of Mennonite Central Committee through the auctioning of heifers and other donated items. For more information, to sponsor or donate to the sale, visit mcc.org/events.
Monday February 19th 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m Free Family Day Open House at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp — Come for a fun and relaxing day with your family! Pretzel-making, roasting bannock around the fire, sledding, skating, games, puzzles, crafts, ping-pong and more! Choose a hot lunch for $5/person (RSVP required) or bring a bagged lunch (peanut free). RSVP to info@hiddenacres.ca or call 519-625-8602. Check out www.hiddenacres.ca for more details. Students in Grade 10 and their families are invited to Conrad Grebel University College and the University of Waterloo on Thursday, February 22 at 5 p.m. to share a meal and tour the residence at Grebel before attending Waterloo’s Grade 10 Info Night. Learn about the supportive environment that this small and vibrant faith-based community can provide for students studying in any faculty or program at UWaterloo. Email grebelstudentservices@uwaterloo.ca by Wednesday, February 7 to register for dinner.