East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 68 Sunday February 16, 2025 No. 7
Prelude/Accompanist: Bethany Zehr Song Leader: Susan Schmitz
Greeters: Naomi & Dustin Mogk Worship Leader: Dawn Bender
Audio/Visual: Todd Bender/Larry Kropf Offering: Relief/MCC
Message: Pastor Mike Coffee Hosts: Shirley & Phil Ruby
Welcome & Announcements
Call to Worship & Opening Prayer
Songs of Gathering & Praise
VT #478 “I Come with Joy”
VT #477 “Seed, Scattered and Sown”
Offering: Relief/Mennonite Central Committee
Time with the Children – Pastor Mike
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 12:5-11; Luke 22:14-20
Message – Pastor Mike
VT #480 “I Am the Bread of Life”
Service of Communion
Prayer of the Church – Pastor Ray
Sending Song
VT # 812 “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing”
Coffeetime in the basement immediately following worship. Everyone is welcome. We would ask that everyone provides their own mug to help simplify the preparation and clean up time. We will provide mugs for those who forget theirs or who come as guests on a Sunday morning.
11 a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages.
This Coming Week
Monday February 17th
- 11 a.m. Private Party
Tuesday February 18th
- 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. Prayer Shawl at Jean MacDonald’s (182 Rudy Ave, Tavistock).
Wednesday February 19th
- 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Bible Study
- 7 p.m. Church Ministry Council Meeting
- E Z Play Group setup
Thursday February 20th
- 9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
- 6 p.m. 2025 Big Church Read Supper Book Club
Friday February 21st
- MYF – Outdoor Snow Games in the Green Space at church.
Next Sunday – February 23, 2025
EZMC Annual Meeting
10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
In person and available virtually on Zoom
Prelude/Accompanist: Heidi Wagler Song Leader: Lindsay Zehr
Greeters: Ashley & Jon Witzel Worship Leader: Brendan Leis
Audio/Visual: Greg Pye/Brian Wagler Offering: Leadership
This week’s bible readings can be found in the Gather 25 Prayer Guide
2:30 – 4:30 p.m. – JWalkers (Jr Youth) will gather at church to play Giant Dutch Blitz.
EZMC Announcements
Gather 25 Church Retreat
We are 2 weeks away from our Gather 25 Church Retreat on Feb 28 and Mar 1, and we can’t wait to experience what amazing things God will do through this global church gathering!
Join us for our intergenerational community gathering / Church Retreat here at EZ starting the evening of Friday Feb 28 at 7pm and throughout the day on Saturday Mar 1. No registration needed, and you can come and go as you need.
We have some exciting things planned! We’ll join several sessions of the global church gathering livestream, we’ll eat together, play games, join in worship with our worship band, have several workshop discussions (e.g. Intentional time of Prayer, Worship music jam, Creative Art, Hymn Sing, Reflective Discussion), and crafts / activities for children.
This gathering is for everyone! Bring your families, friends, and neighbours. You won’t want to miss it! Are you in?
In the coming weeks we’ll share further details, requests for contributions to our breakfast, and we will tap a few shoulders to help during the event. If you’d love to be involved, don’t wait to be tapped! Reach out to a committee member now – Ashley Witzel, Jess Yantzi, Brendan Leis, Alexis Leis, Amy Yantzi, Joan Yantzi, Shane Klassen, Tracey Kropf.
SCRC is pleased to welcome Heidi Wagler back to her role as Faith Community Nurse following her medical leave last year. Heidi will be slowly easing back into her role over the coming weeks. We are grateful for Heidi’s recovery and regained strength. Thank you for your ongoing care and support of Heidi and her family during her leave. We ask for your continued prayers for Heidi as she transitions back and continues with maintenance medical infusions and ongoing monitoring of her health. Heidi, we pray for strength, good health, and many blessings for you as you return to your ministry.
In April 2024, Agape made the difficult decision to close their ministry. We supported Agape financially, prayerfully and in delivering goods and Sunday services over a 20 year period. With the closing of Agape, Missions would like to explore the possibility of a new mission – starting a relationship with an newer emerging congregation registered with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC). Over 20 percent of MCEC’s, congregations are newcomer or first-generation Canadian congregations. During the coming week take time to discuss and prayerfully discern how the spirit is calling you/your family to this life-giving ministry. Come prepared to talk about this life-giving and enriching mission opportunity next Sunday.
After careful consideration worship committee has decided that the organ is not being used to its capabilities and we want to give it to a new home. If you would like to have it or know someone who would appreciate it please contact Linda Schumm or Lindsay Zehr.
The 2025 Camp Subsidy Form is now available, and you can complete and return to Becky Bender either by email (treasurer@ezmennonite.ca) or put in her church mailbox. Forms are available in the literature rack beside the main bulletin board or by contacting Lisa at office@ezmennonite.ca If you have any questions please contact one of the Christian Education Lay Ministers – Bethany Kropf or Caleb Leis.
Tuesday March 4 Pancake Supper
5:30 – 7 p.m. Care Team along with members of the Congregational Life committee are planning to host a Pancake supper at the church. Please join us for this intergenerational evening of food and fellowship. Everyone is welcome. Gluten free and dairy free pancakes will be available.
The Mission Service Trip through MCC Appalachia Build will not take place this August as there was insufficient interest. Missions will continue to explore other Service Trip opportunities.
Save the Dates – Vacation Bible School at EZMC will be held on July 7-11, 2025
Beyond our Church Community
MDS invites volunteers to help rebuild a flooded home in Constance Bay (near Ottawa, ON). Sign up for a week, beginning in March, to help rebuild a house along the Ottawa River. Contact Clara Flores at cflores@mds.org or 1 (866) 261-1274 for more information and to sign up.
Rockway’s Founders’ Day Chapel, Soup Supper Fundraiser and Alumni Sports Challenge originally scheduled for Friday, February 14 has been postponed to Friday, May 2. Please visit www.rockway.ca/events for more information. We thank you for your continued prayers as our school continues to heal from the tragic loss experienced in our community.
Monday February 17th – Family Day Open House – From 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Hidden Acres is hosting a free Family Day Open House. Bring your family for a day of indoor and outdoor activities such as crafts, sledding, snowshoeing, pretzel making, games, and more! Bring a bag lunch or purchase a hot lunch for $6/person. Please RSVP to info@hiddenacres.ca. More information at hiddenacres.ca
43rd Annual Ontario Mennonite Relief Livestock Sale
Tuesday February 18th & Thursday February 20th at the Ontario Livestock Exchange, St. Jacobs. Since 1981, the Livestock Sale (formerly Heifer Sale) has raised over $5.1 million to support the work of Mennonite Central Committee through the auctioning of heifers and other donated items. For more information, to sponsor or donate to the sale, contact Ralph Martin at 519-669-2122 or John Brenneman at 519-504-1558.
Saturday February 22nd 5 p.m. Coldest Night of the Year Fundraiser for the Wilmot Family Resource Centre! WFRC will be running this event in New Hamburg. CNOY is a walk to help raise awareness and funds in support of those who are experiencing hurt, homelessness, or hunger. The Wilmot Family Resource Centre (175 Waterloo St.) provides these supports in Wilmot and Wellesley townships, including weekly food hampers, warm clothing, mental health supports, and much more!
Thursday February 27 at 7 pm. (CST) – Anabaptism at 500: Commitment to Scripture. In person and livestream. Featuring John Roth, Sheila Klassen-Wiebe, Paul Doerksen, Brian Froese. From 1525 to 2025, Anabaptists have taken a very personal and community-oriented approach to their embrace of the scriptures. This panel conversation will investigate the ways the Bible shaped the 16th century Anabaptist movement at its inception and continues to uniquely define the Anabaptist tradition today. We will also celebrate the Canadian launch of the Anabaptist Community Bible! Livestream link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ll3NZ3j-YfM.
February 27th – March 1st Rockway Mennonite Collegiate proudly presents their all-school musical, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,. Tickets can be purchased by visiting www.rockway.ca/events. We look forward to welcoming you and your family into Wonka’s world of Pure Imagination!
Saturday March 8th 7:30 p.m. (Trillium Lutheran Church, 22 William St, Waterloo):Menno Singers and Artistic Director Brandon Leis presents ‘Songs for the Changing Seasons’ with Abner Martin Scholarship winner, cellist Elliot Sloss from the Curtis Institute. Tickets $25, Child/Student $5 at the door, from choir members or at www.mennosingers.com
Thursday March 13th – Grandparent & Grandchild Day at Hidden Acres
Looking for something to do with your grandkids during March Break? Join guest speaker Wanda Mann for a day of connecting with God through creativity and music. The theme for the day is GOD… GRAND’S… G’KIDS… Connecting the Dots. Cost is $25/person and includes lunch. For more information or to register go to hiddenacres.ca/programs/grandparent-child-days
Monday March 24th 6 p.m. Hope Starts at Home: An evening with Phyllis Webstad, at Bingemans Conference Centre, 425 Bingemans Centre Dr, Kitchener. Phyllis is the founder and ambassador of the Orange Shirt Society. Phyllis will share her childhood of healing and reconciliation in Canada as we seek to restore justice, foster belonging and address poverty in Ontario. Funds raised at the event will supply MCC Ontario’s new meat cannery. To learn more and order your tickets, go to mcc.org/evening-with-phyllis-webstad.
Monday April 14th – Seniors Retreat at Hidden Acres
Seniors are invited to Hidden Acres for Exploring Beginnings: The New Testament and the Anabaptist Bible with guest speakers Alicia Batten and Mollee Moua. Cost is $55 and includes lunch. For more information or to register go to hiddenacres.ca/programs/seniors-retreat
Gathering 2025 – Mennonite Church Canada – July 2-5, 2025 in Kitchener/Waterloo.
This Gathering is shaping up to be an incredible experience with three unique avenues for engagement:
1.Congregational Gathering: Join delegates and congregational representatives for inspiring sessions, worship, and connection.
2.Youth Gathering: A vibrant, energetic event designed specifically for youth, hosted on the University of Waterloo campus.
3.U30 Young Adult Gathering: Engage with peers through tailored events, including a special post-Gathering celebration at Hidden Acres!
Please see the bulletin board for more information about this opportunity.
Mennonite Central Committee Ontario – Join our team!
Are you ready to make a difference? We have two openings across Ontario:
- Thrift Team Member – Processing Focus 📦- Join the MCC New Hamburg Thrift Centre team sorting and pricing donations, specializing in crafts/fabrics and housewares.
- Indigenous Neighbours Program Associate💻- The MCC Ontario office in TImmins is looking for a new program assistant to support our community programs across Ontario.
Don’t miss out on these opportunities to grow your career and make a positive impact. Check out these listings and apply today!
Be a Friend, Change a Life
Volunteer with MCC Ontario’s Circle of Friends program and bring hope and belonging to someone in need! Just 1-2 hours a week can bring stability, friendship and belonging to someone transitioning into a new chapter of life. Let’s create a community where no one feels forgotten. Ready to make an impact? Sign up today at mcc.org/opportunity/circle-friends!