East Zorra Mennonite Church
Volume 66 Sunday December 3, 2023 No. 49
Sunday Morning Worship – 10 a.m.
Advent 1 – How will we know…how long?
Prelude: Brandy Sell Accompanist: Heidi Wagler
Worship Leader: Sheryl Leis Song Leader: Caleb Leis
Greeter: Jan Ropp Offering: Mission Partners
Audio/Visual: Drystan Bender/Larry Kropf Message: Pastor Ray
Coffee Hosts: Gloria & Tom Roth
Words of Welcome & Announcements
Call to worship
Leader: O God, tear open the heavens and come down
so that the mountains would quake at your presence!
Right Side: No one has heard,
Left Side: no ear has perceived,
People: no eye has seen any God besides you,
who works for those who wait for you.
Leader: No one knows when the time will come.
People: How long must we wait?
All: Together we wait.
Opening Songs of Gathering and Praise
VT #23 “Come, Walk with Us”
VT #29 “Come, Now is the Time to Worship”
Time with the Children Ashley Witzel
Drama Alexis Leis & Bella Matthews
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 64:1-9
Message Pastor Ray
VT #213 “Poor of the Earth”
Sharing & Prayer of the Church
Advent candle lighting/benediction
Leader: Together we wait.
Candle lighter: How long must we wait?
Leader: No one knows when the time will come.
So, go! Keep alert, strengthened by God’s faithfulness to you.
Sending Song
VT #218 “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”
During the Advent Season this year, East Zorra Mennonite will be collecting a special offering of socks. Tavistock Assistance Program (T.A.P.) has identified a need for new pairs of socks for both adults and children. The offering will start on December 3 and run until December 24. Socks can be placed in the basket or manger by the tree at the entrance to the sanctuary.
Coffeetime in the basement immediately following worship. Everyone is welcome. We would ask that everyone provides their own mug to help simplify the preparation and clean up time. We will provide mugs for those who forget theirs or who come as guests on a Sunday morning.
11 a.m. Junior Sunday School children will meet in their classrooms.
Adult Sunday school follows coffee time in the basement. We will welcome Linda Holst, Program Director of the Tavistock Assistance Program who will be sharing with us.
This Coming Week
Tuesday December 5th
- 9 a.m. Sewing Circle Everyone is welcome to join us to knot comforters or quilt. Come for the day or part of the day. Please bring your lunch and
Wednesday December 6th
- 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Coffee and Bible Study
- 7 p.m. E Z Play Group set-up
Glorify Rehearsal
Finance & Facility Meeting
Thursday December 7th
- 9:30 – 11 a.m. E Z Play Group
- 7 p.m. Worship Committee Meeting
Friday December 8th
- 7 p.m. MYF
Saturday December 9th
- 12 – 5 p.m. Private Party
Next Sunday – December 10, 2023
Advent 2 – How will we know…what now?
Prelude: Glorify Accompanist: Glorify
Worship Leader: Jared Yantzi Song Leader: Glorify
Greeters: Joyce & Howard Ropp Offering: MCEC & MC Canada
Audio/Visual: Todd Bender/Brian Wagler Message: Pastor Mike
Coffee Hosts: Shirley & Phil Ruby
Extending God’s Love
We extend God’s love as we share with each other both our joys and our struggles.
Dan Matthews has been moved to the acute stroke unit at Stratford General hospital, where he will hopefully soon be able to begin an active stroke recovery plan. Your continued prayers for Dan and the Matthews family are appreciated.
EZMC Announcements
Financial Information as of November 30, 2023
Donations Received in November 2023
Offering Schedule Designations – $38,409
Green Space – $875
Estimated funds needed to meet 2023 commitments
Offering Schedule Designations – approximately $130,000
2023 Refugee Fund Commitment – $25,000
We are grateful for your generosity and we prayerfully ask for your continued financial support as you are able. We trust that God will provide so we can fully meet our commitments for 2023.
Donations can be placed in the offering each Sunday (ushers have blank offering envelopes available), mailed to the church or Dawn Zehr or placed in one of two mailboxes at her house. E-transfers or questions about donating can be sent to treasurer@ezmennonite.ca.
Please also submit any 2023 expenses you may have as soon as you can.
Thursday December 14th 12 p.m. High Noon Seniors Lunch at Grace United Church. A hot lunch will be served followed by Guest artist Dr. Alicia Cundall, local physician and professional harpist. In addition to sharing her musical talents, Dr. Cundall will also inform us about EM Global Connections, an organization for which she advocates. EM Global Connections provides emergency physicians in low resource environments, greater access to hands-on, skilled basic training.
Help build a future of peace in Mindanao: Malipayon Peace Hub
On Friday November 24 our weekly email included an attachment of the monthly newsletter from Dann and Joji Pantoja, witness workers in the Philippines who we support. This newsletter highlights the Malipayon Peace Hub Project which we heard about last month when our guests from the Philippians were here. Mennonite Church Canada is supporting this project and has a fundraising goal of $230,000. They hope to reach this goal March 2024. If you would like to donate to this project please use the link provided below or send a cheque to Mennonite Church Canada 600 Shaftesbury Blvd. Winnipeg, Man. R3P 0M4. Your support for this project will be a blessing.
Donation Link: https://www.mennonitechurch.ca/philippines-transition
If you receive the Leader, Rejoice, or Salt & Light magazines you will find them in your church mailbox. The new EZMC Church Directory and the December calendar are also in your mailbox.
Wilmot Family Resource Centre is preparing for their Holiday Hamper Program. You can support this program in various ways: donate funds, sponsor a family, help prepare or deliver hampers. See poster on the bulletin board for more information.
JCET is still in need of Volunteers.
January to June sign up sheets are up on the bulletin board, downstairs across from the desk. Whether you sign up once or weekly your time spent volunteering is greatly appreciated.
Mark your calendars for VBS 2024 – July 8-12 at EZMC. We can’t wait to see you there!
We are excited to once again host our EZ Women’s IF Gathering. Mark your calendars for April 12th and 13th right here at East Zorra. Spread the word and tell your friends and family to save the date. More details to come!
Beyond Our Church Community
Sunday December 3rd 2:30 pm at Tavistock Mennonite Church. We are excited to announce the return of “An A Capella Christmas”, performed by the Twin City Harmonizers, with special ladies quartet, Onyx, singing all your favourite Christmas songs in 4-part harmony. Tickets are available to reserve by calling 519-655-2581, emailing admin@tavistockmennonitechurch.ca or online at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/an-a-cappella-christmas-tickets-740454899537?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1. $20/adults, $15/youth & young adults 13+, and free for children 12 and under. Join us for this exciting afternoon which supports our Refugee Sponsorship Project and Harmonize for Speech.
Sunday December 10th 3 p.m. Menno Singers and Mennonite Mass Choir present Handel’s Messiah with artistic director Brandon Leis, a 230 voice choir, soloists Bethany Hörst (soprano), Jennifer Enns Modolo (mezzo soprano), Owen McCausland (tenor) and Nathan Keoughan (baritone) along with orchestra members of the former KW Symphony. Tickets are on sale now at the Centre in the Square Box Office. www.centreinthesquare.com
Becoming Good Relatives Retreat – January 26/27, 2024, Jericho House, 10845 Rathfon Rd, Port Colborne. In this one-and-a-half-day retreat, author and speaker Patty Krawec will use Anishinaabe teachings to help participants reflect on their social and individual histories in order to improve their capacity to have difficult conversations with others about Canadian history and current impacts on Indigenous people. To learn more and to register, go to mcc.org/events.
Shop Niska for Christmas
This Christmas, give fairly-traded one of a kind gifts that support Indigenous Artisans in First Nations and communities living in Northeastern Ontario. Choose from a variety of items, including moccasins, mittens, jewellery and more. Niska products are made with traditional techniques, quality materials, and dedication. Head to niskaartisans.ca to shop today!
Christmas gifts that change lives
This Christmas, we invite you to explore all the ways that you can share gifts of comfort and joy for the world. Delight your loved ones with wells, goats, emergency food and more. Go to mcc.org/christmas to discover all of the options!
Raw Carrot soup is available at your local thrift shop
The Raw Carrot is excited to announce that our soup is available for sale at your local thrift shop! As an MCC Ontario program, The Raw Carrot provides a compassionate workplace to people on long term disability. Our healthy soups are handcrafted in small batches, packed with tasty veggies and free of added preservatives. Fresh ingredients are sourced as locally as possible. Our staff are “stirring up” change with their delicious, handcrafted gourmet soup!” Get your soup today at your local thrift shop.
NHMRS Food Convener
The New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale committee is looking for a new food convener. If this is something you’re interested in, contact John Reimer at johnreimer@nhmrs.com for more information.
Mennonite Central Committee Ontario – Current Openings
Are you passionate about making a real difference in the lives of others? If so, we’d love to have you join our team. We have an opening for an Ontario Program Administrative Assistant in the Kitchener office, as well as a Volunteer Coordinator and Associate – Home Pick Up at Thrift on Kent. Learn more about these positions at www.mcc.org/careers